
Marquette University

11/14/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 11/14/2024 10:16

Faculty and staff: ensure your information is up to date to receive safety alerts

Faculty and staff: ensure your information is up to date to receive safety alerts

  • November 14, 2024
  • < 1 min. read

The Marquette University Police Department issues safety alerts through text messages and emails to Marquette students, faculty and staff in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Act to safeguard the well-being of the campus community during times of crisis.

All faculty and staff are automatically opted in to the text messaging system if their mobile phone numbers are up-to-date and labeled as a mobile number in MyJob (faculty and staff with university-owned cell phones will automatically receive text alerts.)

Please ensure your information is up to date and device settings are not blocking mass notifications or emergency notifications.

How to enroll and check your information - step-by-step process:

  1. Log into MyJob and select "MU Employee Self Service"
  2. Select "Personal Information" and click the start button
  3. In the phone numbers section, review the number listed as "Mobile." Only phone type "Mobile" is used for emergency text alerts for safety and weather-related notifications. Phone types of "Mobile Second," "Mobile Third" and "Mobile Fourth" are NOT sent notifications.
    • If the mobile phone number is correct, nothing further is needed
    • If the mobile phone number is incorrect or there is no listed phone number, continue
  4. To update or add a mobile phone, click on the update button in the phone numbers section
  5. Update or add phone numbers
    • Update an incorrect or changed number
    • Use the plus icon to add another phone number
      • Please note that only one phone number should be added for each phone number type as indicated in the message on the page
    • Delete any phone numbers that are no longer valid by selecting the garbage can icon next to that phone number
  6. Click the "Next" button, review the proposed changes and, if satisfied, click the submit button
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