The Democratic Caucus - U.S. House of the Representatives

09/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/24/2024 13:27

Chairman Aguilar: There is no greater example of Republican extremism than Trump's Project 2025

September 24, 2024

Chairman Aguilar: There is no greater example of Republican extremism than Trump's Project 2025

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, House Democratic Caucus Chair Pete Aguilar and Vice Chair Ted Lieu were joined by Representatives Sara Jacobs and Nikema Williams in a press conference on how Trump's Project 2025 gives Extreme MAGA Republicans total control to criminalize abortion, gut Social Security and raise taxes for working families.

CHAIRMAN AGUILAR: Good morning. The Vice Chair and I are grateful to be joined by incredible leaders within our Caucus, Nikema Williams and Sara Jacobs.

House Democrats have said from the beginning of this Congress that we will be ready to work in a bipartisan way to get things done for the American people whenever and wherever possible. But we are also going to call out extremism when it exists. And there is no greater example of Republican extremism than Trump's Project 2025.

Should extreme MAGA Republicans be successful in winning the House, the Senate and the presidency, they have created the blueprint in a 920-page roadmap that lays out exactly how they plan to govern. Under their plan, Project 2025 criminalizes abortion, hurts middle class families to help the wealthy and well connected and ends Social Security as we know it. It gives Donald Trump unchecked presidential power and unparalleled control over the American people. It is both deeply troubling and deeply unpopular because of the work of House Democrats, Leader Jeffries, Whip Clark, Jared Huffman, our own Vice Chair Ted Lieu and the leaders behind me today to put a spotlight on this dangerous plan. We know that House Republicans are in trouble because they are running scared anytime we mention Project 2025.
Later today, the Steering and Policy Committee will convene a hearing of hard-working Americans who will testify about what Project 2025 would mean to them in their daily lives. Don't just take our word for it. Listen to the abortion care providers and seniors who have to ration insulin, who will courageously share their stories. House Democrats are fighting for them, as House Republicans are fighting to give Donald Trump more control of our daily lives.
I'll turn it over to Vice Chair Ted Lieu.

VICE CHAIR LIEU: Thank you, Chairman Aguilar.

Trump's Project 2025 isn't just a radical document. It's a document that Republicans this term have tried to implement through a series of appropriations bills. And as Chairman Aguilar said, we're having a hearing today that the Steering and Policy Committee is hosting at 2:15 at HVC-215. Hope you all can make it. And I want to thank Jared Huffman earlier this year for starting the Project 2025 Task Force.

This is 920 pages of crazy-that's what Project 2025 is-with deadly consequences. I'm going to go through just three of the insane things in that document. Project 2025 wants to eliminate the Department of Education, and that is on page 319 of the document. Project 2025 also wants to eliminate the National Weather Service. Think about that. We've got a hurricane coming into Georgia or Florida, and this is what Project 2025 authors want to do. They want to eliminate the National Weather Service-that's on page 675 of the document. And get this: Project 2025 wants to allow children to work in hazardous conditions. Like, who comes up with this crazy stuff? That's on page 595 of the document.

So again, I hope you all come to this hearing. And let me now introduce our amazing member from Georgia, the great Nikema Williams, who will talk about reproductive freedom and Project 2025.

REP. WILLIAMS: Thank you, Vice Chair Lieu and Chairman Aguilar. Good morning, everyone.

I'm Congresswoman Nikema Williams, and I proudly represent Georgia's fighting Fifth Congressional District. I'm a member of the Pro-Choice Caucus and Vice Chair of the Democratic Women's Caucus. But y'all, before I came to Congress, I served as the VP of Public Policy at Planned Parenthood Southeast for ten years. I will always carry with me the stories that I heard from people we served on the frontlines just about how hard they had to fight to get the essential abortion care that they needed and deserve. This was long before the overturning of Roe v. Wade that was orchestrated by Donald Trump and his Republican Party.

We're seeing the deadly result of abortion bans in Georgia, and around the country. Just last week, ProPublica reported on the deaths of two Georgia women, Candi Miller and Amber Thurman, who died because they couldn't receive the care that they desperately needed. Let me say that again: Candi Miller and Amber Thurman died because of Georgia's inhumane abortion ban that was ushered in by Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans. These were preventable deaths. As a mama, I'm heartbroken, and as a Georgian, as an elected official, I'm pissed, y'all. Because it doesn't have to be this way. These were policy decisions. But let me be clear: it could get even worse. Trump's Project 2025 would lead to more heartbreak and more preventable deaths. Project 2025 would ban abortion nationwide, criminalizing patients and doctors, making it impossible for people to get the care that they need.

Abortion is essential health care. One in four women will access abortion care at some point in their lives. And that's not one in four Democratic women, not one in four Republican or Independent women. That's someone you know, someone you love, someone you go to church with, someone you grew up with, someone in your family. One in four women, y'all.

I will continue to fight alongside House Democrats to protect reproductive freedom in the face of extreme Republican abortion bans and the looming threat of Trump's Project 2025, which will ban abortion nationwide. We will restore the reproductive freedom that Trump and House Republicans brag about taking away, and we will ensure that every person can get the care that they need.

Thank you so much, and I'll now turn it over to another co-conspirator for justice in our Caucus, Congresswoman Sara Jacobs.

REP. JACOBS: Well, thank you, Chairman Aguilar, Vice Chair Lieu, Nikema, for really highlighting the stakes here.

So, I've spent the past few months traveling the country talking to young people, college students and women. I'm a 35-year-old woman, so basically, this is a topic I talk about all the time with my friends and peers. And here's the deal: all of these young people are terrified about Project 2025, and so am I. So, not only would Project 2025 make it difficult or impossible to access abortion, birth control, emergency contraception and other reproductive services, as my colleague Nikema highlighted, it would also authorize a pregnancy surveillance system. So, even if you live in a state like California, like I do, where we have strong state-level abortion and privacy laws, you would not be protected. Every abortion, every miscarriage, every stillbirth, every pregnancy loss, every pregnancy, even abortions and pregnancy losses that result from medical treatment, would be logged and reported to the federal government and used to monitor pregnancies.

Project 2025 would supersede HIPAA. It would nullify doctor-patient confidentiality, and it would reject a right to privacy. And pretty soon, it would be used to weaponize health data against patients and providers in court. We've already seen this happen.

In 2017, Mississippi police charged Latice Fisher after digging into her Google search history and finding that she searched how to buy misoprostol abortion pills online. In 2022, Nebraska police used Facebook messages between a mother and a daughter, private Facebook messages, to prosecute an abortion that was illegal under state law. Now, imagine how much more this would happen if there was a centralized treasure trove of this information, of this data.

Now, House Democrats, we want to protect the sensitive data, and we have a bill to do it, My Body My Data Act. House Democrats, we want to strengthen HIPAA for the post Roe era, not gut it. And we have a bill to do that, The Safer Health Act. But you know who stands in the way? MAGA Republicans.

House Democrats will continue to fight to protect patient privacy, protect their right to make their own health decisions and protect them from abortion and pregnancy surveillance. So, thank you so much, now I will turn it over to Chairman Aguilar for questions.

Video of the full press conference and Q&A can be viewed here.
