Array Inc.

10/21/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/21/2024 02:16

Correct September 2024 Endorsement guarantee Detailed information

Today's Information

Provided by: Array Inc.
SEQ_NO 1 Date of announcement 2024/10/21 Time of announcement 16:15:12
 Correct September 2024 Endorsement guarantee
Detailed information
Date of events 2024/09/25 To which item it meets paragraph 53
1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/09/25
2.Company name:Array Taiwan Inc.
3.Relationship to the Company (please enter "head
  office" or  "subsidiaries"):subsidiaries
4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios:N/A
5.Cause of occurrence:Correct September 2024 Endorsement
6.Information items/ statements to be corrected:Correct September 2024
Endorsement guarantee Detailed information
7.Amounts/ contents/ number of page to be corrected:No Endorsement
guarantee for others in September 2024
8.Amounts/ contents/ number of page after correction:September 2024
Endorsement guarantee Detailed information
(1)Endorsement Guarantor Company:Array Taiwan Inc.
(2)Endorsed guarantee objects:Array Inc.
(3)Relationship to the Company:3
(4)Single enterprise Guarantee limit:286,276
(5)Accumulated till this month Maximum balance:14,400
(6)End of term endorsement Guaranteed balance:14,400
(7)Actual amount of expenditure:14,400
(8)Endorsement guaranteed by property:0
(9)Most recent financial statements net worth of ratio:5.03%
(10)Endorsement Guarantee Maximum Limit:286,276
(11)It is an Endorsement guarantee from the parent company to the
subsidiary company:N
(12)Subsidiary endorsement and guarantee to parent company:Y
(13)Endorsement guarantee for mainland China:N
9.Countermeasures:Re-upload to the MOPS website after correction
10.Any other matters that need to be specified:The total amount
of endorsement guarantees and the limit of endorsement guarantees
for a single enterprise are limited to the net equity value of
the parent company or the endorsed guarantee object.
The maximum limit for this period is 286,276.