Lee University

09/27/2024 | News release | Archived content

CRC Hosts 14th Annual Constitution Day Quiz Bowl

Speak to Lead, the winning team.

On Friday, Sept. 15, Lee University's Center for Responsible Citizenship (CRC) hosted its 14th annual Constitution Day Quiz Bowl, where local high schoolers were tested in their knowledge of the U.S. Constitution and its founding history. The Quiz Bowl was opened with remarks from Lee University President Dr. Paul Conn.

"Constitution Day is always a major event for us," said Dr. Thomas Pope, professor of political science and director of the CRC. "Welcoming so many guests to our campus can be exhausting work. Yet, as we get things underway, the energy from the high school teams and the Lee students cheering them on reminds me of the value of this event. It's a way for us to celebrate both our country's Founding, and also the quality of our local students who have dedicated themselves to its study. I look forward to seeing the citizens they will become."

This year the CRC recorded its largest attendance ever of this event, with 24 teams from 10 regional high schools. The event concluded with a championship round between a team from Speak to Lead and a team from Chattanooga's Girls Preparatory School. Speak to Lead was the ultimate winner for the 2024 Constitution Day Quiz Bowl.

The Quiz Bowl was made possible thanks to the continued support of Lee University and its alumni, the Jack Miller Center, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Institute for Humane Studies, and members of the broader Cleveland community.

On Oct. 18-19, the CRC will host its ninth annual symposium, this year on "American Identity." The symposium will leverage the 1965 debate between William F. Buckley Jr. and James Baldwin to frame the discussion sessions. This event is open to members of Lee University, as well as our neighbors.

For more information about the CRC and the many events it hosts throughout the year, visit leeucrc.com or contact [email protected].

Teammates deliberate during the Quiz Bowl.