Ministry of National Defense of the People's Republic of China

10/08/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/08/2024 08:47

Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on September 26

Senior Colonel Zhang Xiaogang, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense (MND) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), answers questions at a regular press conference on the afternoon of September 26, 2024. ( by Zhang Zhicheng)

(The following English text of the press conference is for reference. In case of any divergence of interpretation, the Chinese text shall prevail.)

Zhang Xiaogang: Friends from the media, good afternoon. Welcome to this month's regular press conference of the Ministry of National Defense.

I have four pieces of news at the top.

The first one.

At the invitation of the Ministry of National Defense of Laos, the rotating chair of ASEAN, a working group of China's Ministry of National Defense attended the ASEAN Defense Senior Officials' Meeting-Plus in Vientiane on Sep. 26th. During the meeting, the Chinese side had discussions with representatives of other parties on international and regional security landscape, and advocated to jointly promote the Global Security Initiative, strengthen strategic communication and deepen defense cooperation to consolidate regional peace and stability.

The second one.

China's Ministry of National Defense hosted the 21st Expert Working Group (EWG) meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO) Defense Ministers' Meeting in PLA National Defense University in Beijing from September 25th to 26th. Representatives from SCO member states and the Secretariat exchanged views on military cooperation at the event. This is the first EWG meeting under the SCO Defense Ministers' Meeting hosted by China after its assumption of the rotating presidency. It's also the first time for Belarus to attend as a full member of the SCO.

The third one.

At the invitation of the South African Navy, PLA Navy ship (PLANS) Xuchang from the 46th naval task group for escort missions will participate in the International Navy Day in Cape Town in early October. During the event, PLANS Xuchang will participate in the international fleet review and host an Open Day activity. In addition, it will have a maritime drill with the South African Navy.

The fourth one.

The Chinese government and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons(OPCW) will co-host the third training course on medical aid and protection against chemical weapons in PLA Air Force Medical University from October 13th to 19th. Over 30 participants from more than 20 State Parties including Germany, Brazil and Morocco will participate in the training. They will focus on topics such as the symptom, diagnose and treatment of chemical weapons poisoning, the medical transportation and classification of the injured by chemical weapons, and organization and implementation of medical recue in dealing with chemical weapons. In the spirit of the Chemical Weapons Convention, the course is to strengthen rescue and response capabilities against chemical weapons, enhance capacity-building in medical protection and treatment, and contribute to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Senior Colonel Zhang Xiaogang, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense (MND) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), releases news at a regular press conference on the afternoon of September 26, 2024. ( by Zhang Zhicheng)

Question: There are growing interaction between the Chinese and US militaries in recent time. The commanders of the PLA Southern Theatre Command and US Indo-PACOM had a video phone call. US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for China attended the 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum and the two sides had the 18th Defense Policy Coordination Talks. What's your comment on the current China-US mil-mil relations and what interaction the two sides will have in the future?

Zhang Xiaogang: President Xi Jinping and President Joe Biden had a successful meeting in San Francisco last November, and the two leaders talked on the phone this April. They have set the direction for a sound, stable and sustainable China-US relationship. At present, there is a stabler momentum in the overall and defense relations between China and the US. The two militaries maintain high-level strategic communication, policy communication, institutionalized dialogues and exchanges in specialized fields. These engagements could help enhance mutual understanding, avoid miscalculation, and manage and control risks.

We require the US side to recalibrate its strategic perception on China, return to a sensible and practical China policy, and respect China's major concerns. The US should make concerted efforts with China in the principle of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation to stabilize and improve the mil-mil relationship through candid, effective and constructive dialogues and cooperation.

Question: I have two questions. First, according to a recent statement by the United States Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM), the United States urges China to reconsider using dangerous and coercive strategies that may escalate tensions in the South China Sea and other regions, What's your comment? Second, at the news conference of the 15th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition yesterday, the deputy commander of the PLA Air Force said that many new types of aircraft developed by the PLAAF in recent years will be exhibited this time. Netizens are all eager to see the H-20 bomber. Can you provide us with more information?

Zhang Xiaogang: It is the US and its allies who is creating risks. Their vessels and aircraft have been conducting frequent close-in reconnaissance in China's vicinity, trespassing into China's territorial seas or administered maritime and air space, harassing routine exercises of the Chinese side, and taking irresponsible and dangerous moves. These operations severely undermine China's sovereignty and security interests, put the safety of Chinese and their own personnel at risk, and jeopardize regional peace and stability. According to preliminary statistics, by September this year, the US military has sent about 1500 aircraft to China's vicinity for reconnaissance or harassment, which fully showcased that the US side is a provocative and disruptive actor.

We urge the US side stop false narratives, stop dangerous and provocative operations, and strictly discipline its troops on the ground. The Chinese military is on high alert and will take legitimate and necessary measures to respond to provocation and safeguard China's sovereignty, security and development interests.

On your second question, I think relevant departments will release information in due course and you can follow that.

Question: On the morning of September 25th, China launched an intercontinental ballistic missile into the Pacific after 44 years. Does this mean that China is accelerating the development of its nuclear forces? Will there be any change in China's nuclear policy?

Zhang Xiaogang: This ICBM launch is to test our weapon and training performance. It is a legitimate and routine arrangement for military training. China nuclear policy is very stable, consistent and predictable. We strictly follow a nuclear policy of no first use of nuclear weapons and pursue a nuclear strategy of self-defense. China does not seek any arms race. We have promised not using or threatening to use nuclear weapons against no-nuclear-weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones. China will continue to keep its nuclear capabilities at the minimum level required for national security.

Senior Colonel Zhang Xiaogang, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense (MND) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), answers questions at a regular press conference on the afternoon of September 26, 2024. ( by Zhang Zhicheng)

Question: The Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress recently approved the National Defense Education Law, which will come into effect on September 21. Please give us more details about the amendment of this law.

Zhang Xiaogang: Defense makes a country and its people safe. The amendment of the national defense education law focuses on 4 aspects. First, it confirms the CPC's leadership over defense education, and requires building a system with centralized and unified leadership, clear division of responsibilities, and civil-military coordination. Second, it emphasizes the combination of defense education at school and military service publicity. There are requirements to improve defense education at school to raise students' awareness of perform military service in accordance with the law. Third, it regulates that the outline for military training for students should be co-drafted by relevant agencies for educational under the State Council and the CMC. Higher education institutes and high schools should organize military training based on the outline to strengthen military skills training and temper the will and discipline of students. Fourth, it asks to expand the scope and channels for defense education. Local governments can use opportunities of major festivals, commemorative days and thematic events to carry out extensive activities on defense education to strengthen the awareness for national defense in the society.

Question: US Army Secretary said recently that he discussed with Japan's Defense Minister about deploying US Army multi-domain special task groups during his visit to Japan. Some analysts say it means the US may deploy Typhon mid-range missile system to Japan. What's your comment?

Zhang Xiaogang: We are closely following relevant moves. US deployment of mid-range missiles in the Asia-Pacific Region will intensify arms race, threaten regional countries and undermine global strategic balance. China is firmly opposed to it. What Asia-Pacific needs is peace and prosperity rather than conflict and confrontation. We urge the US side to stop this dangerous move and do not create tensions in the region. The Japanese side should stay cautious and do not invite the wolf into the house, otherwise, it would only push itself into a dangerous situation. The Chinese side will take resolute and effective measures to respond in accordance with the developments of the situation and its own needs.

Question: The US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell recently said at a meeting of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee that China poses the greatest challenge to the United States and the China threat is more serious than the Cold War. The 2022 National Defense Strategy report issued by the Commission on the National Defense Strategy said that the United States, due to its outdated defense strategy, unreasonable military structure, and inadequate capacity of the defense industry, is unable to handle the dual threats from China and Russia. What's your comment?

Zhang Xiaogang: In recent years, by perceiving China with its own hegemonic thinking and the Chinese military from a perspective of competition and threat, the US has gone too far to play up the alleged "China military threat". Its intention is nothing more than finding an excuse for expanding its own military power. Records have shown that the US side is the biggest challenge to world peace and a source of future global warfare. China is opposed to US Cold War thinking and its narratives or actions that intensify confrontation and undermine China's strategic security and interests.

China is a contributor to world peace and development and a defender of the international order. We stay committed to a defensive defense policy. China's defense and military modernization is to safeguard its own security and interests and contributes to world peace. Playing the China card won't help the us to solve its own problems. We require the US to have a sensible and objective view on China and China's military development and strategic intentions. It should put more efforts on things that can help shore up China-US bilateral relations and consolidate regional peace and stability.

Question: The 2024 Quad Leaders Summit issued a joint statement which did not mention China directly but criticized coercive and intimidating maneuvers in the South China Sea. It also announced to launch a first-ever Quad-at-sea Ship Observer Mission by coast guards of the four countries in 2025. What's your comment?

Zhang Xiaogang: Relevant joint statement uses vague languages to cover its malicious intention to target China. It needs to be emphasized that China has indisputable sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao and its adjacent waters. It is fully legitimate, justified and beyond reproach for China to conduct constructions on our own territory and carry out law-enforcement operations in waters and airspace under our jurisdiction. Though not directly concerned in the South China Sea issue, the US, Japan, India and Australia are resorting to microphone diplomacy to criticize and smear China and stir up troubles and mislead the public. In particular, the US has deployed offensive weapons in the region, worked with its allies to step up military exercises, and conduct close-in reconnaissance against China's islands and reefs. Talking about militarization, coercion, bullying, and bloc confrontation in the South China Sea, I think the US deserves these labels more than any other country.

Joint maritime operations carried out by relevant countries should contribute to regional peace and stability, and not harm the interests of any third party. The Chinese side is firmly opposed to actions that may stir up troubles and escalate tensions in the South China Sea. We will firmly defend our own sovereignty, security and maritime rights and interest, and maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.

Senior Colonel Zhang Xiaogang, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense (MND) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), answers questions at a regular press conference on the afternoon of September 26, 2024. ( by Zhang Zhicheng)

Question: Both China and India have recently made positive statements about de-escalating the situation in their border area, and the Chinese foreign ministry also spoke of disengagement of troops in four areas, including the Galwan Valley. There is a great deal of expectation that there will be disengagement in other areas along the border. What is your comment, please?

Zhang Xiaogang: For quite some time, under the guidance of the two state leaders, China and India have maintained communications with each other through diplomatic and military channels, including between the two foreign ministers, between the Chinese foreign minister and Indian national security adviser, and through the Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination on India-China Border Affairs (WMCC), and the Corps Commander Level Meetings. Through these discussions and communications, the two sides were able to reduce their differences and build some consensus. They have agreed to strengthen dialogues, accommodate each other's legitimate concerns, and reach a resolution at an early date that is acceptable to both sides. Before that day comes, the two sides will continue to consolidate the outcomes, strictly abide by bilateral agreements on border issues and confidence-building measures to jointly safeguard peace and tranquility along the border.

Question: I have two questions. First, Chinese and Nepalese militaries had a joint training, the Sagarmatha Friendship-2024, in late September in south China's Chongqing. Can you give us more details? Second, the PLA used a Z-9 helicopter to stop and dispel an intruding Philippine reconnaissance aircraft from Huangyan Dao. What is your comment, please?

Zhang Xiaogang: On your first question. The Chinese and Nepalese armies are carrying out Sagarmatha Friendship-2024 joint military training. With troops in mixed units, this training focuses on joint counter-terrorism operations in urban neighborhoods and covers comprehensive subjects including multidimensional search, check point setting and blockade, stalking, rescue with arms, evacuation under cover, and clearing and screening. Alongside the training, the two sides also organized activities such as sports games, art performance and cultural exchanges. The Sagarmatha Friendship is a signature program between the Chinese and Nepalese militaries, and it is the 4th of its kind this year. The PLA will work with the Nepalese side to strengthen military trust and substantive cooperation, and build a closer China-Nepal community of shared future in the new era.

On your second question. The Huangyan Dao is an inalienable part of Chinese territory and China has indisputable sovereignty over it and its adjacent waters. For some time now, the Philippine side has been sending public or military vessels and aircraft to intrude into the airspace and maritime waters of Huangyan Dao without the approval of the Chinese side, which has seriously violated China's sovereignty and undermined regional peace and stability. The Chinese side has taken necessary measures in accordance with law to stop and dispel these Philippine ships and aircraft and our operations have been professional and restrained. We will continue to take necessary measures to safeguard our territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in Huangyan Dao.

Question: It is reported that on September 25th, frigates from the JMSDF transited through the Taiwan Strait. Does the Chinese side know about this? What is your comment, please?

Zhang Xiaogang: On September 25th, Japanese destroyer Sazanami, Australian destroyer the HMAS Sydney, and New Zealand supply ship the HMNZS Aotearoa conducted transit operations through the Taiwan Strait. The PLA stayed on high alert and monitored the transit. We are opposed to such provocations in the name of the so-called "freedom of navigation" that send wrong signals to the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces and undermine China's sovereignty and security.

The Taiwan question is an internal affair of China that brooks no foreign interference. We urge relevant countries to respect the One China principle, stop mudding the water on this question, and stop undermining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. The PLA will remain on high alert and take all necessary measures to counter any threats and provocations.

Question: I have two questions. First, according to media reports, the Russian military has sent maritime and air forces to participate in China's Northern/Interaction-2024 exercise. Can you give us more details? Second, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) ship 9701 has withdrew from Xianbin Jiao and the PCG said it would send another ship to the reef and would not let it become a second Huangyan Dao. Philippine Defense Secretary said that if China removes the Philippine ship grounded at Ren'ai Jiao, it would be an act of war. What's your comment?

Zhang Xiaogang: According to this year's cooperation plan between Chinese and Russian militaries, the Russian military participated in Exercise Beibu Unity-2024 organized by the PLA Northern Theater Command in relevant waters and airspace of the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk from September 10th to 27th. More than 10 vessels and over 30 aircraft from the two sides were involved. The exercise is an effective test on interoperability of the two militaries in tactical commanding and joint operations. It further deepened strategic coordination between the two militaries and contributed to maintaining regional peace and stability and addressing security challenges.

After the exercise, relevant Chinese and Russian navy task groups will conduct joint maritime patrols in relevant waters of the Pacific.

The Philippine side recently pulled out PCG 9701 which had been illegally anchored in the lagoon of Xianbin Jiao. It is the only right way forward and is conducive to restoring peace and stability in relevant waters. China has indisputable sovereignty over Nansha Qundao and its adjacent waters, including Ren'ai Jiao and Xianbin Jiao. We will take firm countermeasures against any act that infringes China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. Actions that violate the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) and undermine regional peace and stability are unwelcomed. We urge the Philippine side not to have illusion and miscalculation and stop making any risky and futile provocations.

Senior Colonel Zhang Xiaogang, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense (MND) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), answers questions at a regular press conference on the afternoon of September 26, 2024. ( by Zhang Zhicheng)

Question: It is reported that China has recently sent marine troops to Brazil to participate in the Operation Formosa 2024 multilateral exercise. Can you give us more details?

Zhang Xiaogang: A contingent from the PLAN Marine Corps participated in the Operation Formosa-2024 multinational joint exercise in Brazil recently. The subject of the exercise is joint landing and counter-landing operations. It is the first time for China to participate in the exercise and the Chinese troops had good exchanges with other participating forces. The exercise helped build trust and friendship, and strengthened the capability of participating countries in jointly addressing security challenges.

Question: According to media reports, the Chinese military recently hosted demining courses for Cambodia and Laos. Can you give us more information?

Zhang Xiaogang: The PLA Army Engineering University hosted two demining courses for personnel from Cambodia and Laos respectively from July 1st to September 27th. Senior delegations from Cambodia and Laos, and representatives from the UN Mine Action Service(UNMAS), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and the ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center attended the graduation ceremony, and spoke highly of the demining courses as well as the graduation drills.

Cambodia and Laos are the most severely affected regions by mines. The Chinese military attaches great importance to international cooperation on demining, and takes cooperation and assistance on Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA) as an important step for building a community with a shared future for mankind and implementing the Global Security Initiative. Over the past 20-plus years, we have trained over 700 demining professionals from more than 20 countries, and sent demining EWG abroad to conduct on-site teaching multiple times. The Chinese military will continue to strengthen substantive cooperation with militaries in the region, and make contributions to international humanitarian demining cause.

Question: Recently the promotional video Cui Huo (Being Tempered) received a lot of coverage from both domestic and foreign media. Can you give us more information?

Zhang Xiaogang: The promotional video Cuihuo (Being Tempered) co-produced by the CMC Political Work Department, the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission and the China Media Group started airing on CCTV-1 on September 11. It was simultaneously uploaded to major web portals and covered by more than 300 Chinese and foreign media. Views and clicks of the video have reached 5.37 billion. The video represents innovative efforts of the military to promote Xi Jinping Thought on Strengthening the Military online, and another masterpiece after two promotional videos Zhuiguang (Chasing Light) and Zhumeng (Following Dream).

Cuihuo is about how the military is raising political awareness and improving combat readiness. It tells touching and thought-provoking stories about ordinary service members from multiple perspectives, reflecting enhanced political loyalty of the people's military and its solidarity and confidence in building a strong military. The popularity of these promotional videos shows the strength of Xi Jinping Thought on Strengthening the Military, and the confidence and resolve of the Chinese military to achieve its centenary goal.

Question: Taiwan's defense authorities recently submitted to the legislative body its budget for 2025 which amounts to 667b TWD (148b RMB). According to another report, Taiwan's army will purchase many types of UAVs for monitoring and attack in urban battlefields. What's your comment?

Zhang Xiaogang: Sticking to its policy of "Taiwan Independence", the DPP authorities have been ignoring public opinion, making irresponsible moves and going further down the dangerous path of seeking independence by force. The more they spend on purchasing weapons, the more insecure people in Taiwan will feel. This strategy will only push Taiwan closer to the brinks of war. We warn the DPPD authorities that those who do wrong things will court its own destruction. More weapons will not change the fate of Taiwan Independence. The PLA has full capabilities to smash all separatist attempts for TWI and defend China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Question: What's the type of the ICBM launched yesterday by the PLA rocket force? What signal is the PLA trying to send to the international community?

Zhang Xiaogang: On the test launch of the ICBM, we have released information on that in a timely manner, and I have no more information to add. I want to emphasize that this test launch is in line with international law and practice and is not directed at any country or target.

Question: According to reports, the first F-16V fighter Taiwan bought from the US will be delivered at the end of September. And 26 UAV manufacturers recently visited Taiwan. Chief of the Taipei Office of the America Institute in Taiwan said recently that there was a possibility for the US and Taiwan to jointly manufacture weapons. Meanwhile, some media reports said there are large numbers of moldy bulletproof vests and expired ammunitions in weapons assisted by the US to Taiwan. What's your comment?

Zhang Xiaogang: We are firmly opposed to any official and military contact between the US and China's Taiwan region. Currently, the biggest threat to peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait is separatist activities by the forces for Taiwan Independence and acquiesced support provided by external forces. Whether it's US arms sale to Taiwan or so-called joint manufacturing of weapons, the true purpose is never protecting Taiwan but using the DPP authorities as a dumb cash machine to dump obsolete and stockpiled weapons and feed the US military-industrial complex. We warn the DPP authorities that the fate of a pawn is being abandoned. Those courting the US to damage Taiwan will be punished by time and justice. The PLA will take all necessary measures to defeat any separatist attempt for Taiwan Independence and foreign interference.

Question: In the video Cui Huo, we heard a J-20 pilot saying in an interview that he can never forget the moment when he saw the Taiwan island while flying in his aircraft. This sparked conjectures that the stealth fighter J-20 also participated in a patrol over Taiwan. Can you confirm that?

Zhang Xiaogang: Taiwan is a part of the Chinese territory. The PLA fighters can go there as they want. There is no need to be surprised.

Senior Colonel Zhang Xiaogang, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense (MND) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), answers questions at a regular press conference on the afternoon of September 26, 2024. ( by Zhang Zhicheng)

Question: I have two questions. The first is about the continued tensions in Lebanon. Recently, the engineering detachment of the Chinese peacekeeping forces in Lebanon successfully cleared an undetonated rocket shell. What is your comment on the incident? Second, the national security adviser from the Philippines recently said that they plan to purchase mid-range missiles and will continue to use America's Typhon missile system for training, which means the system may continue to stay in the Philippines. What is your comment on that?

Zhang Xiaogang: On your first question, China is closely following the security situation in Lebanon, and we will further strengthen the security protection of our troops.

On your second question. China has made our opposition clear concerning US deployment of mid-range missiles in the Philippines under the cover of military exercises. We urge the US side to correct this wrong move and withdraw the missile system to fulfill its prior promise. The Philippine side should not have any miscalculation. Binding itself to the US chariot would only bring damages to itself. China has many options in its toolkit. We will take effective measures to respond in accordance with the developments of the situation.

Question: I have two questions. First, on September 26th, the defense authorities in Taiwan said that they monitored several PLA aircraft flying around the Taiwan Strait. Experts say the exercise was to prevent foreign interference. Can you tell us the purpose of this exercise? Second, about yesterday's ICBM launch, which countries has China informed beforehand? The Japanese government said that it was not informed. Can you comment on that? Some experts say that this launch may increase tensions in this region. What's your comment?

Zhang Xiaogang: On your first question, it is legitimate and reasonable for the PLA to organize exercises and training activities in the sea and airspace around Taiwan Island. We will continue to strengthen military training and combat readiness, and regularly organize relevant military operations.

On your second question, the test launch of the ICBM by the PLA Rocket Force is consistent with international law and practices. Before the launch, we have issued warnings specifying the prohibited time and areas and informed several countries in advance through military and diplomatic channels. This fully demonstrates the openness and transparency of the PLA.

Question: Japan's defense ministry announced a large-scale restructuring of its maritime self-defense force to establish a new marine corps and alert contingency. It also plans to increase defense budget and build a small satellite network. Some analysts say Japan may assist US intervention in the Taiwan Straits.

Zhang Xiaogang: We have noticed relevant moves by the Japanese side. In recent years, Japan has been accelerating restructuring of its combat forces and build-up in new domains, and developing long-range attack capabilities. There is a growing tendency for Japan to return to its militarist past, which violates its Pacifist Constitution and purely defensive defense, and challenges the post-war international order. We urge the Japanese side to take lessons from history, be cautious in military security and contributes to regional peace and stability instead of the opposite.

Question: I have two questions. First, the US Navy recently issued a strategic guideline on naval operations that claimed that the Chinese mainland has the greatest capabilities in the world in ship manufacturing and that the US should be prepared for a conflict with China in 2027. What is your comment, please? Second, the Chinese Ministry of State Security exposed a hacker organization called "Anonymous 64", saying that the people behind this organization are from the Taiwan military. What is your comment, please?

Zhang Xiaogang: On your first question, I think this rhetoric from the US side exposes again its Cold War mindset and militant nature. I have to stress that China has no intention of challenging or replacing the United States. The goal of our development is to deliver a better life for the Chinese people and provide new opportunities for world peace and development. China is on the course to build a strong nation and realize national rejuvenation through the Chinese path to modernization. No foreign forces can stop this trend. The Chinese military fears no threats or challenges, and will take firm actions to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests.

On your second question, you can inquire about relevant authorities for more information.

Question: The American website, Defense News, recently reported that the US plan to provide Taiwan with nearly US$570 million worth of "security assistance" has come to the final stage. This is by far the largest package assistance from the US to Taiwan region, which will be spent on training, reserves, anti-armor weapons, air defense, UAVs, and other subjects to protect Taiwan from military attacks from the Chinese mainland. What is your comment, please?

Zhang Xiaogang: We have noticed relevant reports. China is consistently opposed to the US selling weapons to the Taiwan region. What it has done has grossly violated the One China principle and the three China-US Joint Communiques, severely undermined China's sovereignty and security interests, and sent very wrong signals to "Taiwan independence" separatist forces. It must be pointed out that the US attempt to contain China with Taiwan, to root for the DPP authorities and to bloat the arrogance of "Taiwan independence" separatist forces by providing military assistance and selling weapons to them, will do nothing but undermine the peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. These actions will eventually backfire to burn the United States itself.

We urge the US side to stop military collusion with Taiwan and stop arming Taiwan in any way in order to maintain the relations between the two countries and the two militaries. Taiwan belongs to China. It is just across the strait from the mainland, and we will never let it drift away. The PLA will never back down in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity. We will take firm actions to defeat any attempts at Taiwan independence and any interference by foreign forces.

Question: The website of Taiwan defense authorities recently released information that they have received detected mainland forces conducting joint landing exercises in waters near Dachengwan in Dongshan, Fujian Province. The exercise involved many types of fighters, helicopters and UAVs coupled with amphibious ships and RO-RO cargo ships loaded with ground forces. Taiwan defense authorities said they will closely monitor the exercise. What is your comment, please?

Zhang Xiaogang: The relevant exercise is a routine arrangement within the PLA's annual plan aimed to improve the capabilities of our troops for fulfilling missions and tasks. The PLA fears no reconnaissance or harassment against its operations. The DPP authorities should be fully aware of the strong capabilities and firm will of the PLA, see clearly that "Taiwan independence" will never succeed, and completely abandon their separatist illusion.

Senior Colonel Zhang Xiaogang, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense (MND) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), answers questions at a regular press conference on the afternoon of September 26, 2024. ( by Zhang Zhicheng)

Zhang Xiaogang: In a few days, we are going to celebrate the 75th birthday of the PRC. In our epic journey in the past 75 years, Chinese people, under the leadership of the CPC, have made remarkable and historical achievements. Over the past 75 years, under the absolute leadership of the CPC, the people's military has grown stronger through wars, challenges, reforms and transformation. It is always an iron great wall in defending national sovereignty, security, and development interests, and a staunch force for world peace and stability. Today, China is building a strong country and advancing national rejuvenation through Chinese modernization, and the Chinese military is forging ahead to achieve its centenary goal and build itself into a world-class military. Here, allow me to wish enduring peace and great prosperity to our great motherland!