01/31/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/31/2025 10:02
The Northern Michigan University Foundation's Giving Tuesday event in December raised more than $81,000 from 143 donors. The gifts will elevate the student experience by helping to increase the number of available scholarships, enhance programming related to the university's strategic priority of well-being, support the NMU Food Pantry, and assist students struggling with financial hardship.
The School of Education, Leadership and Public Service established a new scholarship for teacher candidates, and received enough support on Giving Tuesday and beyond to award $1,000 scholarships to 10 students.
Giving Tuesday results will also help the NMU Foundation distribute $1,000 NMU Foundation Scholarships to 50 students in the current award cycle after the application window closes Feb. 17.
Other highlights of the event included $7,000 in additional aid to help cover the cost of books and emergency expenses for students struggling financially; $5,000 designated for the NMU Foundation Scholarship Fund, which will be split between five students who apply during the current donor-funded scholarship cycle; $4,000 for the NMU WellBeing Fund; and $2,000 for the NMU Food Pantry, which equates to about 3,500 pounds of non-perishable items for students in need.
"Giving Tuesday is just one of the many ways the NMU Foundation engages our alumni and friends in supporting our students, and Northern employees stepped up to help as well," said Andy Hill, director of annual giving. "It was impressive that donors supported NMU on this National Day of Giving, even after we held a successful, stand-alone NMU Giving Day last April to coincide with the 125th anniversary of the month the university was chartered. The December event demonstrated that donors' dedication to helping students is unwavering."
NMU President Brock Tessman and his wife, Kristin, shared a thank-you video with donors. It can be viewed here. The Foundation will hold the next NMU Giving Day on April 17.
Kristi Evans
News Director