WASHINGTON, D.C.-Multiple events since 2011 have shown the risks to reliability that can result when generators fail to take the necessary steps to ensure reliability when the grid needs it the most. Significant amounts of generation were lost during past storms, including Winter Storms Uri (2021) and Elliott (2022), with notable impacts on bulk power system reliability. Better preparation measures have helped avoid these impacts during more recent storms.
The EOP-012 Reliability Standard represents the conclusion of several years of hard, focused work on the part of NERC's stakeholders. In June 2024, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved the current version and directed NERC to submit a revised version to address and clarify several aspects. Despite the exemplary work of the drafting team and a technical conference to address the issues surrounding the FERC directives, the draft EOP-012-3 standard only achieved 44.54% approval on its most recent ballot, representing only a 2% improvement from the previous ballot, and far from the 67% needed to complete this project under NERC's usual stakeholder ballot process.
To meet FERC's March 27, 2025, deadline and in deference to the importance of this standard, the Board invoked its authority under Section 321.5 of NERC's Rules of Procedure. Under this authority, the Board directed the Standards Committee, with the assistance of stakeholders and NERC staff, to prepare a responsive standard, which will then be posted for a 45-day public comment period no later than January 29. A special Board meeting will take place in March to review the standard and a complete record, including the comments submitted during the public comment period.
This action calls for the continued involvement of stakeholders in completing the next steps , which include the Standards Committee and stakeholder drafting team members developing the next draft of the standard and posting it for a public comment period, the Board noted.
"The Board does not take these decisions lightly," said Ken DeFontes, Board chair. "NERC's standard development process, with the principles of consensus building at its heart, is an important part of what makes NERC successful in addressing important matters related to the reliability, security, and resilience of the grid."