BGA - Better Government Association Inc.

10/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/07/2024 16:12

Watchdog Groups Urge Responsible Stewardship from Temporary Board of Education Appointees

The abrupt resignation of the entire Chicago Board of Education a month before the body begins its transition to locally elected governance has given Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson an opportunity to install a slate of hand-picked allies that will serve through the end of the board's term in December. The Better Government Association and League of Women Voters are concerned by such non-transparent, non-accountable governance, especially on the eve of a major organizational transformation for this important public institution.

Mayor Johnson in recent weeks has pushed for the Chicago Public Schools to take on a short-term, high-interest loan to cover pension debt and has called for the resignation of district CEO Pedro Martinez. In the midst of this, the seven sitting members of the school board, all of whom had been appointed by Mayor Johnson himself, resigned en masse.

On Monday, Oct. 7th, Mayor Johnson named six new board members to serve until a new 21-member board is seated in January. A seventh new member will be named shortly. After the Nov. 5 election, an entirely new board will be composed of ten locally-elected representatives and eleven mayoral appointees, allowing Johnson to retain majority control until the 2027 local elections, when the board will transition to a fully-elected body.

"All eyes are on the mayor now," stated Better Government Association President David Greising, "His handpicked allies cannot come in, oust a CEO, take on a pile of short-term debt, and then leave the next duly elected and appointed school board holding the bag in January. Taxpayers will hold the mayor responsible, and they'll be right to do so."

The BGA and League agree that the new board would potentially hobble the work of future, democratically-elected school boards if, in its brief tenure, the newly appointed board members take on substantial long-term debt or make commitments that might run contrary to the priorities of the body going forward. A new teachers contract, currently under negotiation, is one such potential new commitment.

"While the League of Women Voters has not taken a specific position regarding the wisdom or need for Mayor Johnson's new debt proposal itself, we are naturally very concerned by any major financial decision made under the authority of a temporary board mere months before the city's first elected board members are seated," said Jane Ruby, president of the League of Women Voters of Chicago, "Such actions threaten to undermine the intent of the democratic transition and the accountability it promises."

The Better Government Association is a 101-year-old civic watchdog that seeks better government through investigative journalism, policy reforms and civic engagement efforts that lead to more open, equitable and accountable government. The policy team and investigative unit operate independently of one another, while both seek to advance the cause of better government in Chicago and across Illinois.

The League of Women Voters of Chicago is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization working for over 100 years to protect and expand voting rights and ensure everyone is represented in our democracy. We empower voters and defend democracy through advocacy and education. The League encourages informed and active participation in government while influencing public policy and never endorses or opposes political parties or candidates but is political.