The Young Lawyers Division (YLD) of The Iowa State Bar Association (ISBA) convened its latest quarterly meeting to discuss pressing issues, ongoing projects, and upcoming initiatives. The meeting, held in Carroll on Jan. 17, brought together members from across the state to collaborate on advancing the legal profession and addressing key challenges.
YLD Secretary Aaron Jones kicked off the meeting with a roll call, ensuring representation from districts statewide and welcoming new and returning attendees. The fall meeting minutes were unanimously approved, marking a seamless transition to discussing new business.
Key takeaways from the ISBA's Dec. 17 BOG meeting as reported at the YLD's meeting were:
Cady Fellowship: Approved to proceed, emphasizing mentorship and development opportunities.
Rural Practice Challenge: ABA President Mary Smith underscored the need to address the shortage of legal practitioners in rural areas.
Ethics Concerns: Nick Critelli noted a rise in ethics complaints among young lawyers, with criminal and family law seeing significant tension.
Leadership Transitions: Dwight announced plans to retire in June 2025, with Harry stepping into the role of Executive Director.
Legislative Advocacy: Discussions with Representatives Mohr and Lohse focused on indigent defense reform, including advocating for a $100/hour rate with annual cost-of-living adjustments.
Judicial Initiatives: The chief justice's legislative priorities included judicial pay reform and magistrate modernization.
The YLD meeting also included engaging in group discussions on the following:
Rural Practice Challenges: Led by Ryan Daisy, Chair of the ISBA Rural Practice Committee.
Legislative Advocacy: YLD members were crafting effective letters to legislators to make an introduction to their district representatives and provide the ISBA as a resource
Neurodiversity in Law: Exploring how to create inclusive environments.
YLD Mission Statement: Revisiting the division's core goals.
YLD committee leaders shared updates on ongoing initiatives:
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): Updates on the Cady Fellowship by Josh Hughes and Jordan Nickerson.
Mock Trial: Recruitment for judges and fundraising through a silent auction.
Philanthropy: Mackensie Graham proposed a virtual trivia fundraiser.
Mentoring: YLD President-elect Manuel Cornell outlined mentorship program goals.
Community Engagement and Recruitment: Joseph Lubben and Mariah Sukalski emphasized outreach efforts.
Additional updates from the YLD quarterly meeting included:
Kacy Flaherty-Tarpey and Mackensie Graham provided updates on ABA activities, including representation at the midyear meeting in Phoenix and future rotations for the District 19 representative role.
The YLD welcomed Cara Donels of Fredrickson & Byron in Des Moines as an at-large member. Open positions remain in Districts 3A and 5B, with recruitment efforts underway.
The Ask-An-Advocate listserv is set to relaunch, offering anonymous questions with public responses to streamline communication and reduce staff workload.
Sophia Gustafson spearheaded an effort to replicate the successful Des Moines Legal Grounds program in Iowa City. The inaugural event was held on Dec. 10 at Press Coffee, with plans for monthly gatherings.
The YLD approved $300 to support Legal Grounds and upcoming events in District 6, with additional funding requests over $500 slated for a vote.
The meeting adjourned with a happy hour at 1730 Tap House and dinner at Mac & Rita's. Attendees enjoyed opportunities to network and foster connections within the legal community.
Upcoming events include the next quarterly meeting on April 4 in Waterloo and the June 24 annual meeting in Altoona. Members are encouraged to RSVP and attend.
For more information about the YLD and to get involved, visit ISBA YLD Committees.
Attendees of the YLD meeting on Jan. 17
ISBA Young Lawyers Division Officers from left to right: President-elect Manuel Cornell, President Mary Rose Shelley, Secretary Aaron Jones
YLD members wrote letters to their corresponding legislators introducing themselves and the ISBA as a resource
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