CEA - California Employers Association

01/23/2025 | News release | Distributed by Public on 01/23/2025 02:05

Tackling the Great Detachment in 2025

Tackling the Great Detachment in 2025

Posted by:Kecia Hanson, Learning & Development Directoron Thursday, January 23, 2025

As we enter 2025, the workplace continues to evolve, presenting challenges and opportunities for employers. According to Gallup, this past year, employees were feeling increasingly detached from their jobs, yet struggled to make the leap to a new employer due to the cooling job market and inflation. Gallup refers to this shift as the Great Detachment.

Gallup identified two critical elements that were the cause of this detachment trend: first, a lack of clear expectations from the employer, and second, employees not feeling a sense of connection to the company's mission and purpose.

While the job market has cooled and employees may be less likely to "jump ship," employers should not underestimate the impact of disengaged employees. Studies show time and again, a disengaged employee will ultimately cost the business-disengaged employees are less productive, less loyal, and sometimes, become disgruntled as well, leading to increased claims and complaints.

Are you seeing signs of disengagement or burnout?

Here are 4 tips on how to tackle the Great Detachment head-on, and re-engage and motivate your employees in the New Year.

1. Reset Expectations - Less than half of employees say they know what is expected of them at work. When employees don't have a sense of direction or purpose in their role, it can result in confusion, errors, frustration, and ultimately turnover for an organization. When leaders and managers set clear expectations, it fosters a sense of purpose, direction, and accountability, allowing them to feel more confident and motivated in their work, ultimately leading to increased engagement. Leaders and managers can make expectations clear by:

  • Communicating expectations early and often: review your new hire, onboarding, and performance review processes. Is there room for increased engagement opportunities (especially for remote employees)? Do you need more frequent performance reviews or informal check-ins?
  • Engaging in two-way conversations: make sure your employees have an opportunity each week to interact with their manager and not only receive feedback, but also share feedback, set goals, and raise any concerns.
  • Holding regular team/staff meetings: encourage open communication and make sure all departments are working towards the same goals and priorities.

2. Connect Contributions to Your Mission and Purpose - Employees want to know that their work matters and that they are contributing to the success of their company. Connect the mission and purpose of your organization by:

  • Define your company's mission and values: Are your mission statement and your core values clearly defined? Have they been forgotten by your staff? Does your mission statement need a review or refresh?
  • Hold employees accountable: Once your mission and values are clearly defined, is management ensuring these are upheld by "walking the walk?" If employees do not embody the company's values are they held accountable?
  • Help employees grow: Part of helping employees feel connected to the organization includes providing them with a sense of individual purpose and opportunities for growth and achievement. Assess whether your employees would benefit from training programs or certifications, coaching, or mentoring. Are you assigning employees projects according to their individual strengths?
  • Express appreciation and recognition: Cultivating a culture of recognition can motivate employees, increasing their productivity and loyalty. Simple acts of acknowledgment can significantly uplift morale. This can include providing opportunities for positive feedback from peers and colleagues, celebrating professional and personal milestones, and providing bonuses or perks to express gratitude.

Re-engaging employees requires intentional effort and a genuine commitment to your team's well-being and success. By celebrating achievements, setting clear goals, and fostering a supportive environment, organizations can inspire their employees to embrace the challenges and opportunities of the New Year with enthusiasm and dedication.

When employees feel engaged, valued, and motivated, everyone thrives!

BONUS: Join us virtually next month to gain a better understanding of your own strengths. CliftonStrengthshelps you identify where you excel, naturally. When you understand your unique strengths-not only your skills but also what you enjoy doing-you unlock the key to greater career satisfaction and success. The most powerful way to leverage your natural talents is by aligning them with your daily work. By doing what you excel at, you can enhance your current role and achieve greater impact.