01/24/2025 | News release | Distributed by Public on 01/24/2025 12:41
Several policy updates were recently approved and posted on the policy website. Contact the responsible party listed in the policy with any questions.
Requests for Academic Adjustments of Undergraduate Requirements (Policy 3070): This policy was revised to align practice with current system requirements. The revisions allow for either a student or university representative to initiate the academic adjustment process. Additionally, the procedural steps under section 3 were removed. Under section 5, language was added that a new academic adjustment may be required if a student changes their major after a previous academic adjustment was approved.
Meals and Refreshments (Policy 6240): This policy was revised, removing the language outlining Dining Services' authority to provide food and beverages on campus. Policy 9290 (Food and Beverage Service on Campus) was established as a separate policy that now covers Dining Services' authority to manage the operation of food and beverage service on campus, including the requirement to use their services for most meals and refreshments on campus (see Approved New Policies below).
Types of Employee Positions (Policy 7000): This policy was substantially rewritten to address a number of issues where the policy language was out of alignment with statute, Idaho State Board of Education policy, and the Faculty Constitution. The following major changes were made:
Donated Leave (Policy 7220): This policy was revised to align with recent changes to the Executive Branch Statewide Policy - Donated Leave. Section 3.b. was added, clarifying that employees may only donate leave if their sick or vacation leave balance exceeds eighty (80) hours. Under Section 6, language was added specifying that 1.) there is no limit to the number of times an employee can request donated leave so long as they meet the eligibility requirements, 2.) employees must choose sick or vacation leave for each donation. They cannot donate sick and vacation on a single request, 3.) requesting employees should only request enough hours to cover the leave, or one pay period at a time, and 4.) employees may not request or receive donated leave within their first two (2) weeks of employment.
Reasonable Accommodations for Employees and Applicants (Policy 7570): This policy was revised by adding Section 4 - Initiating a Request for a Reasonable Accommodation, which outlines employee and supervisor responsibilities related to the accommodation request process, including required notification to Human Resources and Workforce Strategy. Additionally, Section 5.1 - University Responsibilities was added, outlining the university's obligations under the ADA for determining reasonable and effective accommodations.
Time Away from Work (Policy 7620): This policy was revised under Section 4.2.1 - Bereavement, to align this section of the policy with recent changes to Executive Branch Statewide Policy - Sick Leave. The language clarifies that benefit-eligible employees can use bereavement leave for grief and/or other arrangements, such as a funeral after the death of a family member or an employee's close family friend. The changes exclude the use of bereavement leave for legal responsibilities related to probate or court proceedings following a death in the family and clarify that bereavement leave does not have to be taken consecutively but must be used during the twelve (12) months following the death. Employees using bereavement leave may code such time to any available accrued leave.
Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment (Policy 12050): This policy was revised under section 3.3, updating the definition of "Threatening Behavior" to include intentional words, actions, or behaviors intended to cause a reasonable fear of injury or harm to a person, including oneself or property. Additionally, Section 4.3.a. was updated to expand the types of behavior the CARE Team addresses, now explicitly including both distressing and dangerous behavior. All other changes to the policy were minor and non-substantive.
Student Governance Groups (Policy 2290): This new policy was developed to define the relationship between Boise State and Student Governance Groups, including clarifying both the autonomy and expectations of such groups. Defining this relationship is essential to modernizing the role of Student Governance Groups at Boise State University.
Bronco Cards (Policy 9250): This new policy was developed to establish Bronco Cards as the official identification for employees, students, and eligible affiliates. It also outlines the requirements for issuing a Bronco Card, the safekeeping of data collected from issuing a card, and its acceptable usage.
Food and Beverage Service on Campus (Policy 9290): This new policy establishes that Boise State Dining has the authority to manage the operation of food and beverage service on campus, which includes residential dining, retail dining and food sales, catering, concessions, alcohol service, non-alcoholic beverage service, and food vending. Section 5 - Food and Beverages at Events on Campus, requires employees to order food and beverages from Boise State Dining unless the requirements of an exception are met as specified under this section of the policy.