
City of Peoria, IL

01/06/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/06/2025 04:30

4:30 am | 1/6/25 | Snowstorm and Road Condition Update

The City's main, arterial streets are in good condition and very drivable, as snow accumulations within Peoria remained below 2 inches. Extra caution on this morning's commute should still be exercised as some roads, especially neighborhood streets, are partially snow-covered and slick spots remain a possibility. Remember to give yourself more stopping distance than usual. Please take it slow and give yourself extra time this morning.

The City of Peoria Snowfighters remain on 12-hour, around-the-clock operations, until further notice. Crews will continue to treat the arterial streets and hazardous areas this morning and throughout the day. Road conditions will improve throughout the morning.

With the more southern track this storm took and the sharp cutoff boundaries for major accumulating snowfall, the snow stopped around midnight and appears to be out of our area. Refreezes and blowing snow remain a possibility throughout the day. Please remember to stay alert on the roads and drive cautiously.

Drive slow, stay safe, and have a great morning.