01/16/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/17/2025 15:27
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), through its administration of the McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program (McGovern-Dole), is the largest global donor to school feeding efforts, providing U.S. agricultural commodities, funding, and technical assistance to reduce hunger, support nutrition, and improve literacy and primary education, especially for girls, around the world. McGovern-Dole is also an integral part in advancing U.S. diplomatic interests and strengthening alliances.
For fiscal year (FY) 2025, USDA has identified the following as priority countries for new McGovern-Dole cooperative agreements: Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Honduras, Mozambique, Pakistan, Senegal, and Sierra Leone. Recommended priority areas within the eight countries identified are also available online.
These priority countries have demonstrated significant need and a national government commitment to school feeding programs, in alignment with the McGovern-Dole authorizing legislation. Applications for McGovern-Dole projects in non-priority countries also remain eligible for consideration.
Each of the cooperative agreement projects will be approximately 5 years in duration. When available, USDA will publish the FY 2025 Notice of Funding Opportunity and information on how to apply on Grants.gov. Visit the McGovern-Dole page to learn more about the program.