Illinois Senate Republicans

09/20/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/20/2024 12:46

“See Tracks, Think Trains”

September 23 through 29 marks 'See Tracks? Think Trains' Week, a week dedicated to raising awareness about rail safety education and the dangers of railroad crossings.

Every year, more than 2,300 people are injured or killed in railroad crossing and trespassing incidents across North America, according to Operation Lifesaver. In the United States, a person or vehicle is struck by a train every three hours, underscoring the need for heightened awareness and caution around railways.

Throughout the week, public safety organizations, law enforcement, and government agencies work together to promote the importance of rail safety. The campaign encourages drivers and pedestrians to always stop, look, and listen before crossing tracks, obey railroad signs, lights, and signals, and avoid walking on or near tracks, crossing only at designated areas. With Illinois being a hub for rail activity, these safety reminders are critical in preventing accidents and saving lives.

For those looking to support rail safety and education, Operation Lifesaver encourages the public to wear red and share photos on social media as part of the campaign on Friday, September 27. For more information, click here.