United Spinal Association Inc.

01/31/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/31/2025 13:49

Accessible Housing Wildfire Relief Initiative Launched by Airbnb.org and United Spinal

Accessible Housing Wildfire Relief Initiative Launched by Airbnb.org and United Spinal

New York, N.Y. (January 31, 2025) - United Spinal Association and Airbnb.org are joining forces to help wheelchair users impacted by the Los Angeles-area wildfires.

Airbnb.org is offering wheelchair users who are displaced by the LA wildfires and eligible for its program up to 30 days' lodging in accessible stays in the region. Hotel rooms are scarce and Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant rooms are even scarcer, and the costs of evacuation are beginning to accrue heavily for many wildfire survivors.

United Spinal Association will facilitate Airbnb.org bookings through United Spinal's disaster relief program, Ready to Roll. Wheelchair users affected by the wildfires can find out more information and apply here.

"Overcoming the challenges presented to people with disabilities by natural disasters requires the formation of a united front by non-profits, the government, and leading enterprises. We cannot tackle these crises alone. I am deeply honored to partner with Airbnb.org to support wheelchair users impacted by the California fires. This collaboration exemplifies the critical role of collective action in relief and recovery," said Vincenzo Piscopo, United Spinal President/CEO.

Under the aegis of Ready to Roll and with the generous support of the Neilsen Foundation, United Spinal has distributed life-saving grants to survivors of natural disasters for the better part of a decade. These grants have enabled wheelchair users to rebuild their accessible homes, replace costly durable medical equipment and accessible vehicles, and endure evacuations and other disruptions to everyday life. Now, thanks to its partnership with Airbnb.org, an important missing piece has been added to its disaster relief offerings.
