Bowdoin College

01/16/2025 | News release | Archived content

Research, Publications, Awards, and More: Highlights from a Semester of Faculty Achievements

Associate Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures and Cinema Studies Allison Cooper co-edited (with Joel Burges) "Alterity Onscreen: A Gen-X Mediascape," part of a cluster of video essays by film and television scholars exploring their personal and academic relationships to moving images. These works originated at a Bowdoin-hosted workshop held in July 2023, some images from which are below.

Professor of Government Mike Franz recorded a TEDx talk around how informed voters ensure a strong democracy . He discusses the question: How can democracy thrive if citizens are not engaged and educated about relevant political issues?

Rasuli Lewis Assistant Professor of Sociology Jamella Gow traces the development of race, capitalism, and Blackness in the Caribbean in her article "From Colonial Subjects to Black Nations: Racializing the Caribbean within Global Blackness " in the journal Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power.

Assistant Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience Jennifer Honeycutt has been awarded the Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience Award for Fostering Diversity and Inclusivity.

Roux Distinguished Scholar Ayana Elizabeth Johnson made a big media splash with the launch of her book, What If We Get It Right? Visions of Climate Futures , a compilation of essays and conversations that are infused with data, poetry, and art through which Johnson guides the reader through solutions and possibilities at the nexus of science, policy, culture, and justice.

Assistant Professor of Digital Music Badie Khaleghian developed brain-computer interfaces for real-time interactive experimental data visualization of brain activity during the performance, combining elements of music, neuroscience, and multimedia art.

The Shaker community once had thousands of followers, says Assistant Professor of English Jordan Kisner ; now there are only two of them left. Kisner writes in a New York Times Magazine article about Brother Arnold Hadd.

Instructor of Piano Gulimina Mahamuti performed as part of Duo Mundi George & Guli with Artist in Residence George Lopez at the North Texas International Piano Symposium's Gala Concert in October.

Professor of Sociology Ingrid Nelson's new book, Yet Another Costume Party Debacle, explores how the policies of elite colleges allow racially themed parties to continue by perpetuating the status quo.