BCIE - Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica

09/16/2024 | Press release | Archived content

CABEI and Argentina promote scientific and technological development through education in Central America

Buenos Aires, September 16, 2024.- The Program for Strengthening Research and Development Capabilities (PROFOCAID), promoted by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) with a total investment of US$50 million, continues to advance successfully. Within this framework, the second phase of the BEC Program was launched, which focuses on postgraduate training in science and technology through master's scholarships for young Central Americans to study at public universities in Argentina, with the objective of strengthening scientific capabilities, encouraging technological development, and creating opportunities for innovation in the Central American region.

This initiative currently benefits more than 100 students from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Belize, and the Dominican Republic, offering them the opportunity to pursue 29 different master's degrees at 11 universities in Argentina. The areas of study range from healthcare and environmental sciences to economic and social development, including renewable energies and gender.

The program combines virtual and in-person modalities to offer a flexible and accessible educational experience. In the current phase, 75 students are studying virtually, which allows them to advance their education without having to leave their home countries. As of January 2025, these 75 students, along with 35 new scholarship recipients, will move to the in-person modality in Argentina, bringing the total to 110 students who will benefit from academic and cultural immersion in the host country.

This academic exchange fosters regional integration and sustainable development by promoting collaborative learning and knowledge transfer between graduate students and researchers from Argentina and Central America. PROFOCAID also strengthens knowledge networks between universities and scientific institutions, which contributes to the development of research, innovation, and leadership skills among Central American scholarship recipients.

By aligning the program's objectives with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially those related to quality education, gender equality, and affordable and clean energy, PROFOCAID contributes to building a more sustainable and equitable future. With this initiative, CABEI reaffirms its commitment to strengthening ties between the two regions and stimulating the exchange of experiences and best practices in innovation and development. By supporting programs such as this one, CABEI not only invests in the education of the region's future leaders, but also boosts sustainable growth and social cohesion in Latin America.