
The United States Army

09/30/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/30/2024 15:34

A legacy of service: George Seiferth’s impact at IMCOM-Europe

[Link] 1 / 2Show Caption +Hide Caption -Mr. Tommy Mize, director, IMCOM-E (left) and Command Sgt. Maj. Carbone (right) present George Seiferth (center) the Meritorious Civilian Service Medal on 23 August 2024 in Wiesbaden, Germany, for exceptional service as a strategic planner for IMCOM-Europe. (Photo Credit: Joshua Rojas)VIEW ORIGINAL[Link] 2 / 2Show Caption +Hide Caption -Col. George Seiferth observing the landscape while flying in a UH-60 Black Hawk in Afghanistan while deployed with NATO in 2006. (Photo Credit: Courtesy)VIEW ORIGINAL

WIESBADEN, Germany - George Seiferth, a strategic planner at Installation Management Command-Europe (IMCOM-Europe), has been a linchpin in the organization's efforts to support U.S. Army installations across Europe. As he prepares to transition into a new role with U.S. Army Europe and Africa (USAREUR-AF), his legacy at IMCOM-Europe is one of leadership, strategic foresight, and decades of service to the U.S. military.

Seiferth's journey with IMCOM-Europe began long before he joined the staff in 2021.

His association with the Army and IMCOM extends back to the days when the U.S. Army Europe headquarters moved from Heidelberg to Wiesbaden-a relocation in which he played a key role as part of the strategic planning team.

During this time, Seiferth's in-depth understanding of the Army's operations in Europe allowed him to navigate complex challenges and ensure a seamless transition of personnel and resources.

After being part of such an important move, he soon found himself using his expertise again, but this time for IMCOM-Europe.

"When I came to IMCOM-Europe, the mission was clear-we were moving the headquarters from Sembach to Wiesbaden, and that needed to happen smoothly," said Seiferth.

His efforts were instrumental in this significant move, which required coordinating logistics, managing staff expectations, and configuring a new facility to accommodate a growing organization.

Under Seiferth's guidance, the move brought IMCOM-Europe closer to its mission partners, improving collaboration with USAREUR-AF and enhancing operational efficiency.

Beyond logistics, Seiferth has always emphasized the importance of people in mission success.

"The people here make the difference," said Seiferth, highlighting the collaborative spirit within IMCOM-Europe.

His leadership, which included working closely with engineers, master planners, and civilian staff, created an environment where everyone's input was valued, leading to better outcomes for the entire organization.

Seiferth's military career, spanning over three decades, has been a cornerstone of his expertise.

After graduating from the Virginia Military Institute in 1982, Seiferth was commissioned as an armor officer.

Seiferth's early years in the Army were marked by challenging assignments in Korea and Germany during the height of the Cold War.

His leadership skills were honed in pivotal roles, including commanding tank units and serving as a battalion executive officer during Operation Desert Storm.

These experiences equipped him with a deep understanding of military operations and logistics, which he later brought to bear in his civilian career.

After retiring from the Army in 2012 as a colonel, Seiferth transitioned seamlessly into civilian service, continuing to support the Army's mission in Europe.

His arrival to IMCOM-Europe was driven by a commitment to serve the military community-a commitment that had been instilled in him throughout his Army career.

His ability to adapt his military experience to a civilian context has made him a valuable asset, particularly during critical periods of organizational change.

During his time with IMCOM-Europe, Seiferth has been more than just a strategic planner-he has been a problem solver, a leader, and a mentor.

His contributions have ensured that the organization remains mission-ready, supporting soldiers and their families across Europe.

As Seiferth prepares for his next role with USAREUR-AF, he reflects on his time at IMCOM-Europe with gratitude.

"I'm just going down the street. I'll still be close and get to work with the great team here," said Seiferth, emphasizing how the people and relationships formed at IMCOM-Europe have made work so worthwhile and one of the most rewarding parts of his career.

Looking ahead, Seiferth will continue his work in future operations for USAREUR-AF, but his mark on IMCOM-Europe will be long-lasting.

His leadership and dedication have ensured the success of major initiatives, and his presence will be missed by those who had the privilege of working alongside him.

Seiferth's story is one of dedication, perseverance, and a lifelong commitment to service-both in uniform and as an Army civilian.

As IMCOM-Europe prepares to bid him farewell, his legacy of leadership and service will continue to inspire those who follow in his footsteps.

George Seiferth's service to IMCOM-Europe has been vital in shaping the organization's success. His contributions will be remembered as he embarks on his new role with USAREUR-AF, continuing a distinguished career dedicated to the U.S. Army and its mission.