01/06/2025 - The National Weather Service has issued a Cold Weather Advisory from 3 am until 9 am Tuesday. Wind chills from 15 to 20 degrees can be expected within the advisory area, which includes Leander. Very cold temperatures can lead to hypothermia with prolonged exposure. Additionally, use caution while traveling outside and wear appropriate clothing, including a hat, and gloves. Remember to make frequent checks on older family, friends, neighbors, and pets. Ensure portable heaters are used correctly and do not use generators or grills inside your home.
Weather Updates
People, Pets, Pipes, and Plants
As freezing weather approaches, Leander residents should remember to safeguard the four Ps: People, Pets, Pipes, and Plants.
PEOPLE - Dress in layers to retain body heat and prevent hypothermia. Ensure each family member has a hat, gloves, and a warm coat. Pay extra attention to infants, elderly family members, and those with pre-existing health conditions.
PETS - Bring pets indoors during freezing temperatures to keep them safe from frostbite and hypothermia. If it's not possible to bring them inside, provide a well-insulated shelter with blankets and fresh water. Check paws for ice buildup after outdoor activities.
PIPES - Frozen pipes can lead to costly damage. Insulate exposed pipes with foam or wrap them in heating tape. Allow faucets to drip slightly to relieve pressure and prevent freezing. Be sure to know the location of the main water shut-off valve in case of emergencies.
PLANTS - Protect your garden from the harsh cold by covering delicate plants with frost cloth or blankets. Apply a thick layer of mulch around the base of plants to retain soil warmth. Bring potted plants indoors or place them in a sheltered area. Watering the soil before a freeze can also provide added insulation.