South Dakota Attorney General

01/16/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/16/2025 11:35

Attorney General Jackley Honors Those Graduating Friday From Basic Telecommunicator Certification Course

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, Jan. 16, 2025

Contact: Tony Mangan,Communications Director, 605-773-6878

PIERRE, S.D. - South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley congratulates the 24 students who graduate this Friday from the state Basic Telecommunicator Certification Course in Pierre.

"These telecommunicators provide an invaluable service during an emergency," said Attorney General Jackley, who also will be the guest speaker. "When someone calls 911, these are the first voices you hear and the people who can provide the information necessary for first responders."

Friday's graduation completes the two-week course for the students who represent 13 different law enforcement or communication centers statewide.

The two-week course includes training and hands-on exercises on issues such as public safety telecommunications, how to respond to questions from the caller, how to handle both emergency and non-emergency calls for service, and how to prioritize multiple incidents happening at one time.

Instructors are staff from the state Division of Criminal Investigation's Office of Law Enforcement Training, which is part of the Attorney General's Office; experienced 911 telecommunicators from across the state, and public safety stakeholders.

Friday's graduation starts at 3:30 p.m. CST in the George S. Mickelson Criminal Justice Center in Pierre.

Members of the 77th session of the Basic Telecommunicator Certification Course and their law enforcement organization are:

*** Brittney Auen, Brookings Police Department.

*** Emma Farley, Mitchell Police Department.

*** Adeline Forgey, Central South Dakota Communications.

*** Ollie Guillotte, Metro Communications.

*** Brendan Hanken, Metro Communications.

*** Tucker Heeren, University of South Dakota.

*** Hannah Huppler, Watertown Police Department.

*** Trajan LaRocque, Brown County Communications.

*** Cayce Long Wolf, Pennington County Emergency Services Communications Center.

*** Maura Jo Luedke, Winner Police Department.

*** Adyn Moran, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe.

*** Jennings Newbold, Central South Dakota Communications.

*** Xandria Norris, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe.

*** Beverly Parr, Pennington County Emergency Services Communication Center.

*** Courtney Pella, Mitchell Police Department.

*** Arianna Reede, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe.

*** Jordan Rogers, Meade County Sheriff's Office.

*** Stacy Rumore, Meade County Sheriff's Office.

*** Meghan Swaney-Boschetti, Pennington County Emergency Services Communication Center.

*** Jaymalee Turning Heart, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe.

*** Jessica Vance, Pennington County Emergency Services Communication Center.

*** Jennah Waldner, Huron Police Department.

*** Taylor Weelborg, Watertown Police Department.

*** Kevin Winter, Marshall County Sheriff's Office.
