Seth M. Grove

10/22/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/22/2024 11:43

Troubled Housing Assistance Agency to be Audited After Transparency Efforts by Rep. Marcell

Oct. 22, 2024

HARRISBURG - State Rep. Kristin Marcell shared today Pennsylvania Auditor General Timothy DeFoor will be taking action on her legislation, House Bill 2387, by auditing the troubled Pennsylvania House Finance Authority (PHFA). HB 2387 was offered as part of the "Back to Basics" plan by House Republicans to assist state government in performing its basic and essential tasks.

"In 2020, the PHFA was tasked with distributing $175 million in rent and mortgage assistance," Marcell said. "Of that money, only $54 million was disbursed to homeowners and renters around the Commonwealth. The problems didn't end there. In 2021, the PHFA was given $350 million from the American Rescue Plan to create the Homeowners Assistance Grant Program. The PHFA shut down the program for over a year due to technical issues between itself and a vendor."

"I offered HB 2387 to have an independent watchdog investigate these issues and offer recommendations to improve their programs moving forward," Marcell added. "Unfortunately, House Democrats have blocked the bill from consideration. Auditor General Timothy DeFoor's decision to engage in an audit of the PHFA fulfills part of the goal of HB 2387, and I thank him for his efforts."

House Republican Appropriations Chairman Seth Grove, who requested the PHFA appear before the Appropriations Committee during budget hearings, lauded the efforts of the Auditor General.

"While this audit is limited to the PennHOMES program, I believe once the Auditor General begins his review, systemic issues will become apparent," Grove said. "The PHFA has never been audited, which is a complete failure in government oversight. I want to thank Auditor General Timothy DeFoor for stepping up and ending this failure."

Representative Seth Grove
196th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Charlie O'Neill
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