12/20/2024 | Press release | Archived content
On 20-21 December, St. Petersburg hosts the XVI Annual Research to Practice Conference "Medicine and Law in the XXI Century". The organizer is St. Petersburg State University.
The conference is aimed at solving political, legal, organizational, sociological and other problems in the sphere of protection of individual rights and freedoms.
The plenary session of the conference was devoted to the topic of protecting the rights of children and families from a socio-medical perspective.
Secretary of the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Social Policy and Human Rights, Executive Secretary of the IPA CIS Expert Advisory Board on Public Health Evgenia Vladimirova took part in the session on behalf of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat.
She presented information on the normative legal acts adopted by the Assembly, which cover various areas, including the protection of children's rights. Among them are the Charter of Social Rights Guarantees for the Citizens of the CIS Member Nations, Model Laws on Basic Public Safeguards of the Rights of the Child, on Protection of Children from Information Harmful to their Health and Well-Being, on Protection of Reproductive Rights and Reproductive Health.
The secretary of the Permanent Commission paid special attention to the Model Law on Ensuring Children's Rights to Health Care in the CIS. The document applies to relations related to the protection of children's health, taking into account the specifics of their age. The law establishes the main guarantees: strengthening the well-being of each child; realization of children's rights, taking into account the rights and obligations of their parents and other legal representatives; and the formation of a healthy lifestyle for every child.
At the plenary session, Rector of the St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, member of the IPA CIS Expert Advisory Board on Public Health Igor Narkievich made a report on "Drug supply for children: realities and prospects".
Based on the results of the conference, proposals will be formulated to improve the current legal and regulatory framework, to improve the training of lawyers in the field of medical and pharmaceutical law, as well as on methods to improve the legal literacy of medical professionals.