St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment

09/23/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/23/2024 13:27

SLATE Awards $450,000 to Peter and Paul Community Services to Support Employment for Unhoused Individuals

The St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment (SLATE) today announced it has awarded a $450,000 grant to Peter & Paul Community Services (PPCS) to launch an employment program for unhoused individuals in St. Louis.

The program will offer unhoused individuals, ages 18 and older, who are residing in shelters within the City of St. Louis, an opportunity to participate in paid work such as cleaning parks, removing debris, and beautifying city streets. Participants will receive cash payments, along with comprehensive case management and wrap-around services to help them transition to stable employment and self-sufficiency.

"Finding employment is a huge challenge for our unhoused neighbors," said Mayor Tishaura O. Jones. "This program creates jobs specifically for them and supports them on their path to finding long-term housing and employment. It's a win-win for our unhoused neighbors and for our city."

PPCS, a nonprofit organization with over four decades of experience serving the unhoused, will utilize its extensive expertise and resources - including its emergency shelters - to ensure that the program reaches at least 100 participants over the course of the contract. The program will be in operation from Oct. 1, 2024, to Sept. 30, 2025.

"Our partnership with PPCS will offer unhoused individuals the chance to develop valuable work skills and receive the support services necessary to overcome barriers and achieve long-term success," said SLATE Executive Director Fredrecka McGlown.

"We are grateful to SLATE for their investment in unhoused individuals through this program. While building employment skills, individuals will also receive case management and supportive services as they work towards finding permanent housing. This partnership allows us to further our commitment to expand services at the Community Campus beyond shelter," said Anthony D'Agostino, CEO of PPCS.

This funding, made possible through the American Rescue Plan Act, will support the Community Campus Workforce Development Program, which aims to provide meaningful, paid work opportunities for vulnerable populations impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.


SLATE offers a wide range of no-cost services to both job seekers and businesses, related to employment, training, and career advancement. The SLATE Missouri Job Center, located in Downtown St. Louis, provides job seekers with comprehensive services, including career counseling, skill assessments, training opportunities, and job placement assistance. To learn more about SLATE and the services we offer, please visit


Svetlana Bostick
Executive Secretary
(314) 657-3522
[email protected]