City of Killeen, TX

01/10/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/10/2025 16:18

Warming Center to open tonight

City continues partnership with Friends in Crisis to provide shelter from cold temperatures

KILLEEN, Texas (Jan. 10, 2025) - The City of Killeen has partnered with Friends in Crisis to continuing providing an enhanced overnight warming center at the Friends in Crisis shelter (412 East Sprott Street) for those in need tonight, Friday, Jan. 10 - Saturday, Jan. 11 at 11a.m.

The City of Killeen's policy is to open a warming center if the temperature or wind chill factor is forecasted to fall below 32 degrees . After checking with the National Weather Service, the decision is made as early as possible, and no later than 3p.m. on the day an overnight center would be opened.

As a reminder, City of Killeen buildings are always open to the public and available for warming (and cooling off) during each facility's normal business hours. Those buildings include City Hall, libraries, the Recreation Center, Police Headquarters, etc. The city requires all community members and visitors at our public facilities to adhere to a code of conduct.

Citizens who would like to donate water, can drop it off at any Killeen Fire Station, as well as the North Precinct Police Station in downtown (402 North 2nd Street) and let them know it is for the cooling/warming centers. City Staff will work to distribute those donations.

For any non-water donations, please call the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management first to see what is needed at (254) 501-7706.

The City relies on partnering with organizations to operate warming and cooling centers, so if organizations like churches or community groups are able and willing to open their facilities and provide volunteers during the center's operational hours, they can contact the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management at (254) 501-7706.

Stay up to date on our website, , social media platforms ( , , ) and by signing up for city alerts at . Receive additional updates for emergency information by signing up for the City's Emergency CODERED system at .

All Texas residents can also check the Texas Department of Emergency Management webpage at for daily information on where a warming or cooling center is located anywhere in the state. It is updated daily.