City of Denton, TX

01/08/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/08/2025 08:05

New Audit Released - Animal Services

The City Auditor's Office has released a new report covering the City's Animal Services animal care activities, officer response, and asset management, as well as the accuracy and appropriateness of fees.

The animal shelter has a high live release rate; however, understaffing has impacted the animal shelter's ability to document al care activities adequately, impacting staff accountability. Similarly, the City's veterinary services contractor seems to respond to requests for medical services timely; however, contract management could be improved. Completed euthanasia procedures are humane but could be better documented. Training programs should be formalized and formally documented.

Expectations for officers in the field should be formalized. While Priority 1 calls appear to be responded to quicker, call-entering practices may delay the communication of requests for service to officers. Officer vehicles are appropriate for carrying animals and can be tracked. Access to the animal management system is generally appropriate though access to the shelter facility is extensive; formal criteria for granting access should be developed to ensure consistency. Fees are outdated; clearer discount program guidelines would help ensure consistency. Detailed findings can be seen in the Audit of Animal Services (PDF) report.