UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

09/23/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/24/2024 04:28

ICIMOD and UNESCO Revive Historic Partnership for the Hindu Kush Himalaya

On 13 September 2024, ICIMOD and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) officially renewed and expanded their longstanding partnership with the signing of a strategic Partnership Agreement at ICIMOD's headquarters in Kathmandu.

This Agreement, formally approved by the Organization's Executive Board in March 2024, reaffirms a historic collaboration that began in the early 1980s when UNESCO played a pivotal role in the establishment of ICIMOD, highlighting the shared commitment of both organizations to sustainable mountain development and the conservation of cultural and natural heritage in the HKH region.

UNESCO's involvement with ICIMOD dates back to 1981 when the Government of Nepal and UNESCO agreed to establish ICIMOD as a regional intergovernmental knowledge and learning centre dedicated to supporting the development of sustainable mountain ecosystems and improving the living standards of mountain populations.

The collaboration was formalized in 1983 through the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development Act of the Government of Nepal, with ICIMOD being set up to serve the people of the HKH region, encompassing Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan.

As a leading organization in global science, biodiversity, cultural and natural heritage conservation, and water governance, UNESCO has been instrumental in advancing international cooperation in the sciences, education, and culture.

The renewed collaboration reflects a deepened commitment by both ICIMOD and UNESCO to address the unique challenges faced by the HKH region, also known as the "Third Pole" due to its critical role as a major watershed for South Asia and the HKH.

Renewing our bonds of cooperation with UNESCO comes at a pivotal moment for peoples and nature of the mountains, with clear opportunities to yield concrete change. This new Agreement enables us to step up our joint efforts to address current and emerging challenges. This is particularly timely, as we stand on the eve of International Year of Glacier Preservation (IYGP 2025) and the declaration of the UN Decade of Action on Cryosphere Research.

Pema Gyamtsho, ICIMOD Director General

ICIMOD and UNESCO exchange the Partnership Agreement at ICIMOD Headquarters. (L-R): Annie Dare, Head of Communications, ICIMOD; Bhupesh Adhikary, Senior Air Quality Specialist, Climate Change Lead, ICIMOD, Shekhar Ghimire, Director of Administration, Finance and Operations, ICIMOD; Dr Pema Gyamtsho, Director General, ICIMOD; Michael Croft, Head of Office and UNESCO Representative to Nepal; Udayan Mishra, Partnerships Specialist, ICIMOD; Prakriti Gurung, Science Officer, UNESCO Nepal; Shivani Chemjong, Communications and PR Specialist, ICIMOD


While the Partnership is a formal recognition of our shared intent to ramp up our collaboration at time of great crisis for the cryosphere and its inhabitants, it carries a special significance owing to what perhaps is best described as familial bonds between our two organizations", affirmed. Beyond the correlation of mandate, interests and activities, we share common "DNA" as it were, given the history here, and this provides us with a sense of potential and purpose that goes well beyond the usual MoU. With the clarion call of the mountain agenda well upon us, the timing of this Agreement could not be better.

Michael Croft, UNESCO Representative to Nepal

Purpose and Areas of Cooperation

The Agreement outlines a strengthened collaboration between ICIMOD and UNESCO to identify and pursue joint actions and advocacy efforts aimed at advancing integrated mountain development in the HKH region. The partnership will draw on ICIMOD's expertise in sustainable mountain development, river basin and cryosphere management, climate action, and local and indigenous knowledge, and UNESCO's global leadership in natural sciences, cultural heritage conservation, and education.

Key areas of cooperation include:

  1. Biodiversity and Heritage Conservation: Recognizing the HKH's extraordinary biodiversity and cultural diversity, ICIMOD and UNESCO will work together to enhance environmental sustainability and disaster resilience through heritage conservation initiatives. This collaboration will leverage UNESCO's World Heritage Convention, the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme, and the International Geoscience and Geoparks Programme.
  2. Water and Cryosphere Management: With UNESCO's expertise through the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP) and ICIMOD's focus on water and cryosphere issues, the partnership will develop interventions addressing water risk, glacier retreat, and the broader impacts of climate change on mountain communities. The two organizations have already started collaborating in planning strategic engagements for the celebration of the International Year of Glacier Preservation (IYGP) 2025, which was adopted by a UN General Assembly resolution in 2022.
  3. Support for Local and Indigenous Communities: The Agreement emphasizes supporting sustainable development for local and indigenous communities through capacity-building initiatives such as Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (LINKS) and programs promoting women in science. Efforts will also be made to enhance the role of local authorities, educators, and media in climate action as well to support the Greening Education agenda.
  4. Communication and Advocacy: ICIMOD and UNESCO will collaborate on communication and advocacy to amplify the impact of their work, including engagement in key international events like the IYGP in 2025 and UNFCCC and CBD COP meetings. These efforts will focus on promoting the mountain agenda for sustainable development across the HKH region.
  5. Joint Funding and Resource Mobilization: The Agreement highlights the importance of developing joint funding proposals and mobilizing resources, including exploring private finance and climate funds to support collaborative initiatives.

Moving Forward

The signing of this Agreement marks a significant step forward in the partnership between ICIMOD and UNESCO as they work together to address the complex challenges of sustainable mountain development in the HKH region. By building on their shared history and aligning their strategic goals, both organizations are committed to driving impactful progress in conservation, climate action, and the sustainable development of mountain communities.

As ICIMOD advances its Strategy 2030 and UNESCO continues its work under the Medium-Term Strategy 2022-2029, this partnership is set to deliver integrated and meaningful actions that benefit the people and ecosystems of the HKH, ensuring a resilient and sustainable future for this vital region.

Source: ICIMOD