ERA - European Railway Agency

09/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/25/2024 04:25

New Memorandum of Cooperation between ERA and Joint stock company “Ukrainian railways” highlights the ongoing commitment to to provide expert support in key areas

The signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) between the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) and the Joint stock company (JSC) "Ukrainian railways" is considered a milestone in the adoption of EU legislation and standards within Ukraine's railway sector. Earlier this summer, ERA signed an Administrative Arrangement with the Ministry of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine.

MoC was symbolically signed during InnoTrans 2024, the world's largest fair for rail technology. The signing ceremony was held at the #EuropeForRail stand, where EU institutions - ERA, the European Commission (MOVE) and Europe's Rail Joint Undertaking (EURAIL), have teamed up to present the many activities happening at EU level in support of the most environmentally friendly mode of land transport.

JSC "Ukrainian railways" has maintained a longstanding collaboration with the Agency, engaging in expert consultations over the years. JSC "Ukrainian railways" acknowledges the support of the Agency is significant for Ukraine as a railway area and for its rail links with the European Union and the Single European Railway Area.

This MoC aligns closely with the strategic framework between Ukraine and the European Union concerning the so-called Technical Pillar of railway operational legislation and will be coordinated alongside other arrangements and initiatives led by the Agency with its various partners. Considering the ongoing railway reforms in Ukraine, the current MoC remains effective until 31 December 2027, with the possibility of prolongation.

ERA Executive Director, Josef Doppelbauer, stated: "The Agency is honoured to provide expert support to JSC "Ukrainian railways", coordinating activities in key areas such as railway safety, railways interoperability, and the adoption of EU legislation and standards within Ukraine's rail sector. I would like to particularly highlight our commitment, under the Agency's mandate, to address urgent challenges related to railway safety and interoperability resulting from the Russia's war in Ukraine, including facilitating cross-border rail traffic, enhancing resilience, and supporting the reconstruction of railway infrastructure and operations." He also mentioned that: "Our dialogue also matters when it comes to facilitating and anticipating the necessary steps on the way of integration of Ukraine into the EU and the Single European Railway Area."

Background information

About the EU Agency for Railways

The European Union Agency for Railways was established in Valenciennesin 2004, and has 200 employees representing more than 22 European Member States.

ERA has been providing EU Member States and the European Commission with technical assistance in the development and implementation of the Single European Railway Area. This comprises enhancing technical interoperability and harmonising rules, promoting simplified access for customers, developing a common approach to safety and safety culture, advising on telematics applications and ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System), monitoring National Safety Authorities and Notified Bodies and facilitating the exchange of information between the railway actors in Europe.

Since 16th June 2019 the EU Agency for Railways is mandated to issue single safety certificates and vehicle (type) authorisations valid in multiple European countries and to ensure an interoperable European Rail Traffic Management System.

About JSC "Ukrainian railways"

JSC "Ukrainian railways" is Ukraine's largest strategic enterprise, employing about 187,000 people and serving as the primary logistics network for transportation of cargo and passengers both in domestic and international traffic.

JSC "Ukrainian railways" is competent for ensuring the effective functioning and development of railway transport and creating conditions for increasing the competitiveness of the transport industry. Among other functions, it is responsible for standards in safety and interoperability and exercises all the functions of infrastructure management.

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New Memorandum of Cooperation between ERA and Joint stock company "Ukrainian railways" highlights the ongoing commitment to to provide expert support in key areas

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