City of Eugene, OR

01/08/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/08/2025 12:27

How to make sure your trespassing call ends up as a call for service

The City offers business and commercial property owners options to report their non-emergency trespassing concerns. There are two steps that need to happen before a call can be considered a call for service when no one from the business is present:

1. Properly post your property with a "No Trespassing" sign and then maintain/recheck the sign. You can protect the posting by placing it in a window or other place where it can't be torn down. Some businesses paint the signage high up on the side of their building. AND

2. Get a valid trespass letter entered with Eugene Police and make sure it is not expired. (If the registered owner changed, the information must be updated and if it is not, the letter is null and void. A Trespass Letter of Consent with the Eugene Police Department allows police to take action on business/commercial properties without contacting the owner first if the property is properly posted with "No Trespassing" signage.

Both of these things have to be done before a call for service can happen when no one from the business is at the property. Response is dependent on other calls going on at the time, for instance if there are a lot of high-level life-safety priority calls.

If someone company-related is present, EPD can take enforcement action without the above steps, if the offenders are told to leave or it's posted no trespassing before the call is made to EPD.

Please note, residential property is considered premise not open to the public and there is no trespass letter process.

Property owners can report trespassing on their property by calling Eugene Police non-emergency at 541-682-5111 or by calling 911 if it is an immediate life/safety issue.