Acuity Brands Inc.

01/24/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/24/2025 15:16

Proxy Results (Form 8-K)

Item 5.07. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.
On January 22, 2025, Acuity Brands, Inc. (the "Company") held its annual meeting of stockholders. The stockholders considered and voted on the following proposals:
PROPOSAL 1- Votes cast on the persons nominated to serve as directors of the Company were as follows:
Votes For Votes Against Votes Abstained Broker Non-Votes
Neil M. Ashe 25,780,884 1,196,264 31,987 1,838,128
Marcia J. Avedon, Ph.D. 26,019,361 960,070 29,704 1,838,128
W. Patrick Battle 25,885,249 1,094,249 29,637 1,838,128
Michael J. Bender 26,143,606 835,589 29,940 1,838,128
G. Douglas Dillard, Jr. 26,136,271 842,930 29,934 1,838,128
James H. Hance, Jr. 23,710,517 3,264,727 33,891 1,838,128
Maya Leibman 25,895,699 1,083,572 29,864 1,838,128
Laura G. O'Shaughnessy 26,144,612 834,973 29,550 1,838,128
Mark J. Sachleben 26,081,086 897,406 30,643 1,838,128
PROPOSAL 2- Votes cast on the ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal 2025 were as follows:
Votes For Votes Against Votes Abstained
27,411,885 1,409,980 25,398
PROPOSAL 3- Votes cast on the advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensation were as follows:
Votes For Votes Against Votes Abstained Broker Non-Votes
26,076,502 843,461 89,172 1,838,128
PROPOSAL 4- Votes cast on the stockholder proposal regarding a director election resignation bylaw were as follows:
Votes For Votes Against Votes Abstained Broker Non-Votes
5,823,694 21,077,225 108,216 1,838,128
Pursuant to the foregoing votes, the Company's stockholders: (i) elected nine directors nominated by the Board of Directors and listed above for a one-year term expiring at the annual meeting of stockholders to be held in 2026 or until a successor is elected or qualified; (ii) ratified the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal 2025; (iii) approved the Company's named executive officer compensation on an advisory basis; and (iv) did not approve the stockholder proposal regarding a director election resignation bylaw.