Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Worship of the Argentine Republic

09/18/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Mondino concludes her official visit to Switzerland and Austria with high-level meetings in Vienna

After her visit to Switzerland, Foreign Minister Mondino concluded today her participation in the 68th IAEA General Conference in Vienna and held meetings with the Minister of Energy of Ukraine, German Galushchenko, and the Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), Robert Floyd, among others.

Today, the Foreign Minister held working meetings with the Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries of Uruguay, Fernando Mattos Costa; the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, María Laura de Rocha; and the Undersecretary of Energy of the Philippines, Sharon Garin. In addition, she attended side events on Argentine technology and participated in activities with companies from the international nuclear sector.

  • Bilateral meeting with Ukraine

During her meeting with the Minister of Energy of Ukraine, German Galushchenko, Foreign Minister Mondino highlighted the excellent relations between both countries, as well as the intention to further deepen this bond, based on common values and positions regarding the strengthening of democracy and the rule of law and the respect for international law and multilateralism.

Galushchenko offered details on the challenges posed by the nuclear safety situation in Ukraine, which is of great concern for our country. In view of this situation, Argentina has repeatedly urged respect for international principles and obligations. In this context, he thanked Argentina's support for his country during the Summit for Ukraine, held in Switzerland on 15 and 16 June, particularly regarding Point 1 of Ukraine's Peace Formula Philosophy, "Radiation and nuclear safety."

The Ukrainian Minister also expressed his appreciation for Argentina's support for the resolutions adopted on this issue by the United Nations and the IAEA. The Foreign Minister reaffirmed our country's support for the efforts made by the Agency in the pursuit of nuclear safety in Ukraine and recalled that Argentina has nominated experts to be part of IAEA missions to Ukraine.

  • Meeting with the Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization

Then, the Foreign Minister met with the Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), Robert Floyd, with whom she discussed the importance of the Treaty's entry into force for international safety. In this regard, both officials agreed to strengthen joint work to ensure its entry into force as well as its universalization as soon as possible.

Mondino and Floyd analyzed the situation of the monitoring stations and laboratories that make up the International Monitoring System, including the facilities in Argentina, which have been certified and are already operational. Argentina has a radionuclide laboratory and eight monitoring stations (the last one is located in the Province of Salta and was certified in 2023).

Finally, the Argentine Foreign Minister thanked the Organization for the work done during the search operation for submarine ARA San Juan.

  • Argentina and Brazil: common agenda on the peaceful use of nuclear energy

The Foreign Minister also met with the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, María Laura de Rocha, who recognized the work of Argentina as the Chair of the IAEA Board of Governors.

They agreed on the fact that their bilateral relationship regarding the peaceful use of nuclear technology is a strategic tool and a priority, and that it has become a global example of confidence and transparency thanks to its greatest achievement, the Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials (ABACC).

In addition, Mondino reiterated Argentina's gratitude and appreciation to Brazil for protecting the interests of Argentine citizens in Venezuela.

Both officials analyzed the current situation of MERCOSUR and its external agenda, especially the status of the negotiations for the MERCOSUR-EU Agreement and issues on the global and regional agenda, in view of the High-Level Week of the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly, to be held in New York next week.

  • Argentina invites the Philippines to cooperate on the peaceful use of nuclear energy

On the margins of the 68th IAEA General Conference, Foreign Minister Mondino met with the Undersecretary of Energy of the Philippines, Sharon Garin, to whom she conveyed Argentina's vast experience and leadership in the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

The Undersecretary expressed her country's interest in adopting nuclear power as an energy source and highlighted that there is great potential for bilateral cooperation. The Foreign Minister reaffirmed Argentina's willingness to cooperate with the Philippines in this initiative and to submit a draft agreement to formalize such cooperation.

The meeting was also attended by representatives from INVAP and the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARN), who offered a detailed overview on their cooperation projects with other countries and scope of potential projects.

Mondino invited Sharon Garin to visit Argentina to gain first-hand knowledge of Argentina's nuclear capacities and the cooperation opportunities with the Philippines.

  • Cooperation on phytosanitary issues with Uruguay

As part of her extensive agenda, Foreign Minister Mondino held a meeting with the Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries of Uruguay, Fernando Mattos Costa, with whom she discussed how to increase bilateral cooperation regarding phytosanitary matters.Both Ministers welcomed the progress made on the common agenda and discussed the most relevant topics on the regional and global agenda regarding food safety.

At the meeting, Mondino stated that Argentina participates actively in IAEA initiatives through projects on technical cooperation and coordinated research and, thus, reaffirms its role in the fight against pests at the regional level. Argentina signed a Memorandum on the implementation of the "Atoms for Food" initiative, which provides guidelines for the eradication of pests.