City of Olympia, WA

01/22/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/22/2025 12:07

01/22/2025 - January 2025 Climate Newsletter

Ongoing Engagement for City's Comprehensive Plan Climate Chapter

The City of Olympia is updating its Comprehensive Plan (Olympia 2045) and needs your help to set the direction for the Climate Action & Resilience Chapter.

Join us for one or both of our upcoming events at the Olympia Timberland Library, 313 8th Ave SE.
  • Friday, January 24, from 3 to 5 p.m. Come learn about the Comprehensive Plan's new Climate Chapter and meet the City's Climate Team. There will be a brief presentation followed by a Q&A session and discussion.
  • Tuesday, February 25, from 1 to 3 p.m. Drop in and provide your feedback on the new Climate Chapter. Staff from the City's Climate Team will be available to collect your input and answer questions.
RSVP here to receive event reminders and updates!

This new chapter is being developed by a cross-departmental staff team with community guidance and feedback and will address the following objectives:
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles traveled.
  • Improve climate preparedness, response and recovery efforts to enhance resiliency and avoid the adverse impacts of climate change.
  • Prioritize co-benefits to the community, with an emphasis on vulnerable populations and overburdened communities who suffer disproportionately from environmental harms and climate-exacerbated hazards.
The Climate Chapter will also be informed by the Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (CRVA), which outlines City assets that are vulnerable to climate-related hazards, the potential consequences, and the City's decision to take future action or accept the risk based on community priorities. A draft of the report will be made available in February.

To learn more about the project, please visit the Engage Olympia project page or submit an email request to become a "party of record" for the Comprehensive Plan update process.
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Renters Invited to Share Feedback on Housing Quality and Energy Efficiency

The City of Olympia Housing and Climate programs are currently designing the Safe Housing and Rental Efficiency (SHARE) Accelerator pilot program. The City is seeking feedback from renters about the quality and energy efficiency of their home and program design.

The City has partnered with Olympia Community Solar to develop the SHARE Accelerator with the goals of improving the quality of Olympia's rental housing stock and reducing energy burdens as well as greenhouse gas emissions. This will be achieved by providing owners of affordable rental housing technical assistance, guidance and incentives to complete energy efficiency retrofits, while maintaining affordable rents with an affordability covenant.

You can help meet these goals by sharing your views on the health and safety of rental housing and your energy efficiency priorities. The survey consists of four questions and takes approximately five to seven minutes to complete. This engagement opportunity will be available through February 11, 2025.

To take the survey and provide comments, click here.

Your responses will be treated anonymously and used for informational purposes only.
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Apply Now to be Part of the TCMC Community Advisory Workgroup

The Thurston Climate Mitigation Collaborative (TCMC) is now seeking applications to fill three vacant seats on its Community Advisory Workgroup (CAW), including one seat just for youth members (aged 20 or under).

Applications will be accepted through January 31, 2025.

The CAW is a group of community volunteers who meet 10-12 times per year to provide community perspectives and feedback on climate mitigation progress and priorities to the Thurston Climate Mitigation Collaborative. The CAW is not intended to be a technical workgroup but rather a collection of community voices. CAW members serve a term of three years, but shorter terms are available to youth members.

Apply today: TCMC CAW Application.

Stay Informed About Seasonal Flood Risk in Downtown Olympia

Olympia's Downtown and low-lying areas can flood when very high seasonal tides, also known as king tides, coincide with specific weather conditions, including low pressure, heavy rains or strong winds. When flooding is expected, City staff monitor tide gates, deploy pumps, close streets, offer sandbags and send alerts to minimize damage. Visit our webpage to sign up for alerts, learn about at-risk areas and find out how to prepare.

Sign up to receive alerts and warnings during a coastal flood event:
  1. Sign up for "Budd Inlet Flood Advisories" through Thurston Community Alerts at
  2. Sign up for Closures & Impacts updates at
  3. Follow City of Olympia and local National Weather Service social media:
    • Facebook, Threads, X, Instagram @cityofolympia
    • Facebook, X, Instagram @NWSSeattle
Mark your calendar for upcoming king tides:
  • Thurs., Jan. 30 - Tues, Feb. 4, 2025 (Approx. 7 to 9:30 a.m.)
  • Sat., March 1 - Mon., March 3, 2025 (Approx. 6:30 to 7:30 a.m.)
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Thurston Regional Planning Council Launches Route 14 Scavenger Hunt

Intercity Transit added a new bus route that connects downtown Olympia, the Olympia Farmer's Market, and the Capitol Campus. The Thurston Regional Planning Council has organized a scavenger hunt to help promote it. All it takes is a fare-free ride on Route 14, a few stops at some local Olympia businesses, and a bus selfie for a chance to win.

Throughout the month of January, select businesses along the route will be participating in the Route 14 Scavenger Hunt. Visit at least five of these businesses, get a signature once you find the clue, snap a picture of yourself showing you rode the bus (you on the Route 14 bus, at a Route 14 bus stop, etc.), then turn it all in for a chance to win prizes! Lucky winners will be chosen at the end of the month and receive gift cards to Route 14 businesses.
  • This promotion is open from January 7, 2025 - January 31, 2025. Entries must be received by February 7, 2025.
  • Must be 18 to enter. No purchase necessary to win. One entry per person.
  • Drawing will be held on February 10, 2025. Winners will be notified thereafter.
  • Participants must visit at least 5 clue sites to get marking AND submit a photo on Route 14 to qualify.
  • Entries may be submitted by email or text. Email or text both your 1) proof of ride photo and 2) photo of your completed (at least five sites) hunt card to [email protected] or 360-741-2521.
  • Questions? Email [email protected].
To get the scavenger hunt entry form, click here. You can find details about the Route 14 stops by visiting the Intercity Transit website.
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Dr. Pamela Braff, Climate Programs Director
City Manager's Office
[email protected]