City of Eugene, OR

01/16/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/16/2025 17:34

Hult Center offers free matinees to students

Outside the Hult Center, the sidewalks were splotchy from rainfall and the clouds grumbled gray. But as 350 students from across Eugene and their steadfast chaperones splashed through the doors, the auditorium began humming with the energy of wriggly preschoolers and bouncing third graders. All had loaded on buses to witness the magic of Manual Cinema, an Emmy-winning performance collective perform "Leonardo! A Wonderful Show about a Terrible Monster."

The show is based off a Mo Willem's book about Leonardo, a monster who is eager to fit in with other monsters but has trouble because Leonardo is a "terrible monster." The book itself is colorful and captivating, but Manuel Cinema truly brings the story to life with hundreds of illustrated paper puppets, book pages, two-dimensional props, furry monster puppets and catchy songs.

After the closing song, which asks, "You could be a terrible monster or a wonderful friend / You could be a terrible monster but why not be a wonderful friend," one student said he would much rather be a great friend.

Which is what the experience is all about - exposing youth to art and having them engage. Art that is meaningful, impactful and touches on important themes in social and emotional learning like managing emotions, feeling empathy and maintaining healthy relationships.

The show was made possible after months of coordination with local schools and was the first opportunity for many students to visit the Hult Center. There are still three more student matinees this season, and still room in the Hult's matinees for fifth through 12th graders.

For more information, visit Hult Center Education Programs.

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